Chapter 4

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As soon as we reached home, we both nearly ran inside.

Kellin sat the boxes on the table and hugged me.

"I shouldn't have brought her. This whole thing was for you and she made it terrible. Tomorrow will be better i promise." He said letting go.

"Tomorrow? I have classes tomorrow." I told him.

"Just... miss one more day." He said.

It was fine with me.

Anything to keep me away from that school.

I nodded. "Okay."


Later that night, me and Kellin sat on his bed and played cards while we talked.

"So, explain last night." Kellin said looking up at me.

I laughed at how he wanted to know so badly. "Uhm.. Well, as you can see... People don't like me for some reason.. And I don't feel a need to be here anymore."

"Here... As in...?"

"Living." I said.

Kellin stopped. "Why do you listen to those people?"

"Because I'm gonna have to deal with people all my life. If they don't like me now, they never will. I don't want to be lonely."

"You have me." Kellin smiled.

"No. Katelynne has you."

"I'd choose you over my girlfriend anyday." He said.

"And why's that?" I asked.

"Cause she's been cheating on me. And I know for a fact you know that."

I nodded. "She's the one who got everyone to hate me. She ruined my life."

Kellin shook his head. "It's not over yet. You have me now."

"One person!" I said acting shocked.

He nodded. "You make me happy."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup. You're so outgoing and shit. I don't see why people hate you."

"They don't know me. That's why."

Kellin agreed and picked the cards up, putting them back in the box.

"Hey Rachel?" He said


"Tonight... Don't cry yourself to sleep. Those people aren't worth your time or tears. And have good dreams. Think about me and you... bestfriends. And don't think about the pills either.

Live for me." Kellin said getting in bed.

I nodded. "Okay Kellin."


"Yeah I promise." I said walking out of his room, into mine.


(Next Morning)

I decided to get up early.

It was about 5:00am when I woke up, so I decided to just take a shower before getting dressed.

I walked to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror.

Aw shit.

I whispered while looking at the bags underneath my eyes.

I couldn't possibly get anymore hideous.

After my shower, I got dressed in my black skinny jeans and an All Time Low shirt.

I promised myself I'd marry Alex Gaskarth someday.

By the time I was done doing my hair, it was about 6:15.

I slipped on my black and grey vans and walked down the street.

It was a normal thing for me.

Fresh air for a stressed out girl.

I was an idiot for walking down the street on a school day.

Jay lived right down the road from me, and I'm pretty sure I seen his car.

I ran through my neighbors yard and jumped the fence so he wouldn't see me.

Not today

After a minute, I walked back out, realizing he was gone.

I thought I'd walk to the store, and get a couple things.

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