Chapter 10

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Rachel's POV

I woke up on an awful small bed, in a small, completely white room.

I looked around and started freaking out.

I don't even remember how I got here.

"HELP!" I screamed.


A couple girls came rushing into the room. "What's wrong Rachel?"

"What is this place?"

"One of your friends brought you here yesterday."

I thought deeply. "I don't have friends."

"Kellin? Kellin Quinn? He's awfully famous."

I looked around a little.

I had no idea who this 'Kellin Quinn' was.

"I don't think a 15 year old should be in one of these places." I mumbled.

"But.... Rachel.. You're 22 years old."

I got up and noticed a small mirror in the corner of the room.

I walked over to it and realized I was taller... prettier... but I needed a straightener ASAP.

The girls (who I noticed were suppose to be some type of nurse) started whispering.

"What?" I asked them.

"We messed up Rachel... I'm so sorry." One nurse said.

"We gave you the wrong shot. You don't remember 7 years of your life. We'll fix this! We promise!"

My jaw dropped. "Wait what."

"We put you in the wrong hall. You're suppose to be in here for depression. And this hall.... is for people with mental illnesses."

I covered my face and sighed. "It's okay. Nothing much really happened in the past 7 years I bet. Just... I'll have to accept the fact that I'm 22." I laughed.

They looked at each other, confused at why I wasn't taking it to harsh.

"I don't even think you need to be in here. You're perfectly fine." They said grabbing my arm and walking me into the lobby.

"Doctor! This ones ready to go!"

The doctor wrote something down on his notepad, then looked at me.

"Rachel Quinn.." He mumbled.


"Kellin's girlfriend, or wife... Whatever."

The nurses gave me a look.

They obviously wanted me to agree.

"Uh yeah."

The doctor nodded and looked over to the visiting room. "KELLIN!" He yelled waving. They were obviously friends.

I looked over at this 'Kellin' everyone was talking about and gasped.

"Holy shit."

"He's here to visit you, but we're letting you leave. So just get in the car with him and he'll take you to your apartment okay?" One nurse whispered to me.

I nodded, my eyes still locked with his as he walked over to us.

"Hi beautiful." He said kissing my cheek.

"Uhm Kellin." One nurse said while pulling him aside.

I knew she was probably telling him about their little 'mistake.'

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" I heard him yell.

Which cause all the patients to freak the fuck out.

"Kellin... It's fine.. She realizes what happened." I heard the nurse say.

I needed to walk over there.

He obviously was a friend.

Or more than I friend.

But he cared about me.

So I figured it would be fine.

"Hey." I said walking over to them.

Kellin smiled a little as I hugged him.

"Everything's gonna be fine." I whispered to him.

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