Chapter 6

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I hurried and got the things I needed from the store, and went back home.

This was the day.

If I'd just get it over with, I wouldn't have to worry about being called names anymore, being shoved down, being jealous, nothing.

I stormed into the house, slamming the doors behind me, to see a feared Kellin.

"Hey..?" He questioned.

I faked a smile. "Hi cutie."

He smiled back. "You're giving me mixed emotions.. You seemed pissed, but... now you're not.."

I stopped smiling and started putting up the groceries. "Yeah I'm pissed! I'm seriously done with Kat--"

"Hey uh baby? Can we finish our talk?" I heard Katelynne say.

I turned around and saw her walking down the stairs.

I looked back at Kellin who had a sorry look on his face.

I nodded. "Riiiight. Whatever Kellin. Ill talk to you later."

He sighed and walked back upstairs to his girlfriend.

Why was I even trying?

He knows I like him.

But, I mean... When had anyone ever liked me?

I got finished putting everything up and I walked upstairs, slowly hearing them talk.

"But Kellin... That's not fair!" I heard her scream.

I stopped and began to listen from my room.

"I know Katelynne- I'm sorry."

"But you can't. We're staying together forever. You promised. Don't break a promise Kellin." She demanded.

I laughed and stuck in my All Time Low CD playing it outloud.

Right after, I saw Kellin walk over to my door and slowly close it.

He doesn't like it when I do this.

I like to drown out all the bad thoughts with music.

After hearing Weightless, I started getting really happy.

I stood up on my bed and began singing (but basically) yelling the words while jumping up and down.

I looked around and saw my hair brush; so instantly, that was my microphone.


I got wore out from all the jumping, so I stopped and walked back downstairs to see Kellin and Katelynne making-out on the couch.

I rolled my eyes, and ran out the door.

He said this day was suppose to be me and him, but it just turned out to be him and her.

I got in my car and drove back to school.

I had nothing else to do today, so why not go to the rest of my classes.

As soon as I walked in, it was 3rd period.

"Well nice of you to join us Rachel." My professor said. "Take a seat."

I nodded as everyone looked at me.

I was use to it by now.

I sat down in the front row as my teacher started handing out work.

*ring,ring* I heard.

I looked around to see everyone staring at me.

"Rachel. Can you please turn your phone off."

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and realized it was me.

From: Kellin.

Hey. Where'd you go? We were suppose to hang out.

I rolled my eyes.

To: Kellin

Yeah we were. But I didn't feel like watching and waiting for your make out session with Katelynne to get over. Ill see you tonight.

After sending the text, I shut my phone off, not wanting to hear anything back from him.

Gosh, I couldn't wait for tonight.

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