Chapter 7

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Lunch at school was just about the worst.

You'd think everyone would drive somewhere and eat instead of staying at campus and eating.

Well... It was the opposite at this college.

"Hey Rachel! You showed up today! Yesterday was boring as hell!" one of Katelynne's friends said coming up to me.

I shrugged.

"I heard you have a thing with Kellin." She smirked obviously knowing about Katelynne dating both Jay and Kellin.

"He's my roommate. That's it."

"Bullshit. You hung with him yesterday. Roommates don't hang out. Especially with you."

I shook my head and walked away; turning my phone on to see if Kellin replied.


Look I'm honestly sorry about that.

I just wanna make you both happy.

I'm picking you up.

Right after I read that, I looked at the time it was delivered and the time now.

Holy shit. He sent that 15 minutes ago.

I didn't want him picking me up.

And I didn't wanna be around him.

I walked outside and saw his car.

I sighed and started walking towards it.

I knew Katelynne was gonna be with him so I walked straight to the backseat.

This is bullshit

I moaned.

"Yeah well today will be fun. We're gonna go shopping and than it'll be just us." Kellin said while turning around in his seat.

"W-What?" Katelynne stuttered while looking at him.

"Well I'm gonna take you home after shopping since you kinda butted in on mine and Rachel's day."

I tried not to laugh at her expression.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes as Kellin winked at me.

I tried not to blush, and once I thought about it... I was actually going to try to have fun.


Once we got to the mall, Katelynne literally ran out of the car.

"What's her deal?" I asked Kellin.

"She likes to shop. But I hope she has her own money."

The first store me and Kellin went into was HotTopic.

Katelynne followed us around the store obviously not interested.

"I like this shirt!" I said grabbing the Sleeping With Sirens shirt.

Kellin laughed. "I could get you that for free. Find anything else."

I ended up getting 3 Pierce The Veil shirts, 1 Bring Me The Horizon, 2 Of Mice & Men, and a couple Panic! At The Disco ones.

Next, Katelynne almost shit a brick when we passed by the Buckle.

"Kel! Lets go in here!" She said grabbing his hand and leading him in.

"I'll wait out here Kellin." I said while sitting on the bench.

It was a good 45 minutes till they walked back out.

Afterwards, Kellin bought me a couple pairs of vans and converse and that was all.

"Time for Katelynne to go home." Kellin smiled at her.

She didn't seem so angry this time when he said it though.

I fell asleep in the car and next thing I know we're at mine and Kellin's apartment.

"Why are we here?" I asked

"Uh taking Katelynne home."


"Yeah.." He cleared his throat. "She's living here now."

I nodded while quickly wiping the tear from my cheek.

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