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That was August 9th, 2014. Nishka was getting ready to go to the college. "Anshi, do fast. I'm getting late." Nishka shouted. "Yeah Nishu, coming." She shouted from the kitchen. Anshika came and got Nishka's
tiffin. Nishka kept the box and rushed to the college. She was already late. Prayer was going on. She rushed to the assembly and stood behind Alia. "You are late." Said Alia. "Yes Alia. I know. I tried, but Anshi woke up late." She said and started praying. After the prayer, the girls were heading to their class. "Hey did you see the recent photoshoot of Aryan?" Alia asked. "Really! Again a photoshoot? I really didn't see babe." Nishka said. Alia showed the pictures of the photoshoot. "WhatsApp them to me. Now!" she said. "Okay! Fine." Alia said and she did. "Thank you babe. Aryan!!!!!" she went into her dream world. "Nishka! Nishka!" the professor said breaking the trance. Nishka immediately came out of her dream world and "answer this one" the Professor ordered showing the marker to the white board. It is mathematics class. "ma'am" she said. Alia was laughing silently. "Alia why are you laughing?" the professor asked and "you and you!" she said pointing her finger to Alia and Nishka "get out of the class." She said. "Okay!" they both said in unison. They took their bags and went out of the class. Everyone laughed. "Quiet!" the professor shouted and everyone kept quiet and started listening to the class. "Let's go to canteen. I'm hungry." Alia said. Nishka nodded and they both went to canteen. They ordered veg sandwich and started eating. Meanwhile Vaishnavi called Nishka. She lifted the call. "Nishk?" she asked. "Yeah Vaishnavi didi." She said. "So what happened to your classes?" Vaishnavi asked. "Nothing. We came out of the class as we were not interested in that boring mathematics class." She said keeping an exhausting face. "Okay! I have breaking news to you." Vaishnavi said in an exciting tone. "What is it?" she too asked in an exciting tone. "Guess what! I'm organizing a jewelryfashion show and..." Vaishnavi said and wontedly teased her. "What didi. Isme konsi nayi bath Hai?" she asked. "And you can't guess who the show stopper for the show. IT'S ARYAN!" she shouted. "DIDI! WHAT? ARYAN! OMG! I WON'T MISS THIS ONE! THIS IS REALLY A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO MEET HIM!" Nishka shouted. Everyone in the canteen started staring at her. She immediately lowered her voice. Alia got shocked. "Okay didi. When is the party?" she asked. "Tomorrow and also get Alia with you. Yeah and I forgot to tell another thing to you. Varun Mehra is also the show stopper with Aryan. Don't tell to Anshika. We'll surprise her." Vaishnavi said. "Of course she'll come didi. Okay we are going home now. I'll inform to Anshi also and I won't tell about Varun. She'll get more excited than me." She said and cut the call. "What happened?" Alia asked excited. "Alia tomorrow Vaishnavi didi is organizing a jewelry fashion show and the show stoppers are ARYAN AND VARUN!" she said stressing on the last words. "WHAT?" Alia almost shouted "really? OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm coming with you tomorrow nishkie!" she said excited. "Of course, didi asked you too." She informed. "Then it's great. We'll go for shopping." She said. "We'll go to Anshika's boutique." Nishka said and "we'll get free clothes and from there we are going to Vairan for free jewelry." She said. "Muft! It's really crazy to shop with you nishkie." Alia said and started the car. First they went to Anshika's and bought some clothes. After that they went to Vairan and bought the suited jewelry. Alia stays at the college hostel. "Alia, please stay with us." Nishka pleaded. "Yes from now." Alia said to the surprise of Nishka. "Did you pack then?" Nishka asked. "Yes. My things are in the back of the car." Alia said. "Yay!" Nishka said and they reached home. The doorbell rang. Anshika opened the door. "Itni jaldi?" she asked. "Yeah didi! We were getting bored and we came home." Alia said. "Anshi, Alia is staying with us from today and Vaishnavi didi called me and she told you to inform that tomorrow she is organizing a jewelry fashion show and surprisingly! ARYAN is the show stopper!" Nishka shouted. "Really? Great! I'm attending to the party then!" she said and went into the kitchen.

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