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Ezra and Zeb told each other to shut up till Ezra's computer turned back on and Ezra found his way out of the ventilation shaft. Ezra downloaded Minecraft...
"Why is my name Steve?" He asked the computer. "By now I thought no you should know my name is Ezra! Sheesh first you say my name is Frisk. And now it's suddenly Steve. Where did you get Steve from?!"
"I don't know, Steve." Kanan tried to tease him.
"Stay out of this Zeb!" Ezra yelled.
"I'm Kanan!"
"I meant to say that-" Ezra's face turned bright red. "Hey Kanan! What should I name this world?" He asked.
"Kanan's world!"
"Ezra's a mutant butterfly. I don't know."
"Cool!" Ezra typed in Ezra is a mutant butterfly for the world name. Kanan sat down next to him. "Oh no!" Ezra freaked out.
"WHAT?!" Kanan jumped.
"It's loading!!!!!!!!!!!" Ezra fell on his face 
"It's done." Kanan pointed out.
"Oh." Ezra spawned in the middle of nowhere next to three white and black trees.
"I think you build stuff." Kanan told him.
"Oh. Ya think."
"Destroy those." Kanan told him. He did. He made a small hut to spend the night in after killing three sheep and crying for each of them. He also made graves for them. And named them, Wooly1, Wooly2, and Wooly4. Don't ask where Wooly3 is.
"Good morning tree." He said when he woke up. "Last night was rather short." He pretended to yawn.
"Go mining." Kanan told him.
"I'm gonna die out here!!!!" Ezra yelled. "My hunger is all the way down, I'm lost, it's night, and I ate everything I had."
"Even your iron." Kanan laughed.
"You know what I mean!" Ezra yelled. "It's your fault I'm stuck down here anyways."
"Your fault for listening." Kanan put his hands up next to his ears and shook his head.
"I hate you." Ezra mumbled. Kanan got up and left. "I didn't mean it!" He yelled after him. Ezra went back to playing. A black message faded on the top of the screen:
KananTheAmazing has joined the game.
Another message showed up at the top:
I have a map and I'm coming.🙂
"I'm not gonna die!" Ezra rejoiced his avatar on the game did the same.
A message at the top came:
KananTheAmazing was slain by zombie villager
Ezra wrote:
Very smooth. KananTheNotSoAmazing
Another message at the top:
I'm not saving you...
Ezra panicked:
Ezra looked down at his screen...
"What killed me?!" He yelled and clicked on re spawn.
A message was written at the top:
JediMasterEzra was slain by zombie villager
Kanan sent a message:
I can c u
Ezra wrote:
And I'm staring at the back of your head.
Kanan wrote:

Happy Birthday EzraWhere stories live. Discover now