Darkness In His Heart

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So not many contributions so I will begin adding oneshots based on other fanart I find as well. I have some more planned but this image is courtesy of XxWhiteYvonnexX.

Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie were all continuing their journey through the vibrant region of Kalos. They took a break along a route through the forest.

While Clemont was preparing lunch for the group, Bonnie was with Serena watching Ash train to try and harness the power of Greninja's new ability.

Greninja stood in a swirling vortex of powerful torrential energy. "Greninja, water shuriken!" Ash yelled with the same fiery passion as always.

Greninja leaped up and smacked its shins creating two identical ninja stars made of gleaming blue water. It launched its attack directly towards its opponent.

"Pikachu, intercept it with iron tail!" Ash's partner was quick to react as always. His tail glowed a bright white and slashed through the stars like a knife through bread.

The girls watched in admiration. "Ash has gotten much better at syncing his emotions with Greninja's." Bonnie said with a grin.

Serena almost didnt hear her, her own focus was on Ash rather than the battle. She could only manage a simple "Yeah." In response.

Serena had seen Ash battle on countless occasions but she couldn't help but admire him for how skilled he was but also how he cared for his Pokemon. She loved him for that but this was one of many reasons.

Pikachu and Greninja had another clash of moves. A pulse of energy was released from the contact between Pikachu's tail and Greninja's cut. This effectively shook Serena out of her Ash filled daydream.

Pikachu managed to follow up on its previous iron tail and landed a solid hit on Greninja's face. This, of course, made Ash reel at the same time.

Instinctively, Serena turned to Ash in concern and he was holding his face in pain. When he pulled his hands away, Serena let out a frightened gasp. Ash had an expression of pure malice, she could have swore his eyes flickered a different colour.

Serena seemed to be the only one to notice this as moments later, Ash shook his head and his normal determined face returned. His auburn brown eyes which normally filled her with happiness had failed to do so for the first time.

Clemont called the group signalling lunch was ready. Serena's nerves had not settled, something about that look scared her. It was evil and it came form the least evil person she knew. She didn't bring it up at the table.

She sat opposite Ash next to Bonnie, typically she sat next to him but she could not bring herself to do it. Serena was not feeling very hungry. "So how was the training Ash?" Clemont inquired with a smile.

"It was great, I feel like I'm really getting closer with Greninja, we will master this soon." Ash was cheerful after training as always. He eyed Serena for a moment. He was slightly concerned for her, she had barely touched her food.

"Serena, you've hardly ate, are you ok?" Ash's eyes were brimming with care but Serena couldn't see this, she refused to meet them fearing the events from earlier would repeat. "Yeah, I'm fine." She replied with hardly any effort in her voice.

All eyes were now on Serena, the blonde twins looked at each other wondering the same thing 'I wonder what's wrong with her'.

Ash shared their concern but they decided to drop it. If Serena wanted to tell them, she would but how could she tell Ash about what she saw. 'Hey Ash, do you remember earlier when you gave a glare of death at Pikachu?' Yeah, that was not going to happen.

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