Cosplay Craziness

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So here is the next oneshot. This one was a challenge to write for, the image was a perfect challenge. I like this idea and I hope you guys enjoy. Credit for the image goes to XxSerenaToukoxX. Thanks Serena. ^_^

2 Days Ago:

"Come on Clemont, it looks so fun." Bonnie begged with stars in her eyes. Her older brother was not as eager. "Bonnie, its too embarrassing I can't."

"I agree, this could be quite a fun experience." Serena chimed in with a smile. Ash nodded his head but was slightly hesitant.

In front of the band of travelling friends was a poster overflowing with colours. In the biggest font and rainbow colours, it read "Crazy Cosplay Festival."

The bit that the boys were hesitant about was the caption below this. "You must cosplay as one of your closest friends." Bonnie already claimed Clemont as her cosplay. Serena knew exactly what she wanted to do but wasn't sure how to ask.

Clemont accepted defeat, he was no match for Bonnie's determination. "Fine, but I don't have to enjoy it." He said with a grumpy expression.

Bonnie smirked evilly, a shining glint could be seen in the corner of her eye. Dedenne seemed to share these qualities. "So Ash, who are you gonna cosplay as?"

Everyone stared at the raven haired boy but before he could answer, Bonnie beat him to it. "I'm being Clemont!" That meant that everyone was taken except... "Looks like your going as Serena." Bonnie chuckled satisfied.

Both Ash and Serena must have looked like Pikachu because they both had rosy red cheeks. They shouted in unison. "WHAAAT?"

Present Time:

It was silent in the groups campsite until Bonnie stepped outside of her and Serena's tent. She was wearing a small metal backpack, a scaled down blue onesie and her hair had been made to look like her brothers.

She jumped around with joy. "Clemontic Gear on." She said with fake pride. A small version of Clemont's Aipom arm reached out of her backpack with Dedenne in its hand.

"Dedenne." He squeaked happily. "I call it my Dedenne Catching Device." Bonnie thought for a moment. 'Nah, that name is far too imaginative for Clemont.'

As she continued to play with her 'invention', Serena was next to emerge from their tent. She was wearing Ash's clothes. The only difference was her blue ribbon was tied in her hair. She loved it and couldn't part with it for a moment.

Bonnie looked at her in awe. Just as she stood up from the tent with a blush, Bonnie began to smirk. "How you feeling Ash." She chuckled.

Serena went even redder. "This is surprisingly comfortable you know." She said while looking to her ankles which were partially revealed showing the trousers were slightly too small. "You look good Serena." Bonnie and Clemont smiled at eachother.

Serena was still surprised Ash agreed to this. The last time she wore his clothes she hadn't exactly asked permission.

"Clemont, come on then!" Bonnie yelled for her brother who still hadn't shown his face. They all had two hours to get ready and Clemont and Ash seemed particularly time consuming.

"No way, this is too embarrassing." Clemont shouted, his voice slightly mumbled due to him being in the interior of the tent.

Bonnie and Serena looked at eachother and giggled. "I guess we will go by ourselves then." Serena yelled loud enough for the embarrassed gym leader to hear. "Yeah, I bet there will be loads of pretty girls who I can ask to take care of my big brother."

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