Heal Her Aching Heart

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Nothing to be said. Been putting this off so much since I couldn't get into a writers mind. But then something interesting happened. I did lol. Anyways apologies to LukasHinkle who has waited long enough for this, I kinda forgot about this like a week ago XD. Hope you all enjoy. Be sure to comment your thoughts.


Love is a complex emotion. It brings great happiness and great pain. It is a pure blessing and a horrible curse. It is the emotion that you feel when someone becomes so important to you, you would do anything in the world to see them smile.

But... how do you express love to someone who does not understand it?

There is no chance right? Why even bother trying...

That didn't stop Her. Time and again she expressed her interest for the boy she loved and time and again, he was oblivious to her affectionate advances.

Her name was Serena and she finally risked it all to tell him outright. However, the result was far from what she hoped...

Serena knew her brief time with Ash was eventually going to come to an end. She needed to act. A flower does not bloom unless it is tended well, the same goes for love. It was not just a simple infatuation that she felt for Ash though. She had a complete picture of honest and heartfelt affection and inspiration from Ash. The love she felt for him transcended time itself.

Serena finally got a chance when she caught Ash alone. It was a calm night in a Pokémon center. Privacy, even for a moment was all she needed. Ash was alone, looking out to the darkness on a balcony. Now or never.

Serena walked nervously through the door as the cold night time air caressed her skin and flowed through her air. Ash noticed her coming. "Hey Serena." He said simply. Serena flinched. Maybe she wasn't ready. No, this had to be it.

"Hi Ash...Can we talk?" She asked hopefully. Ash turned to her with a smile. "Sure whats on your mind?" Serena inwardly sighed with relief. She had his full attention, she just needed to pull the trigger.

"Its not really on my mind, its more...in my heart." She managed to utter. Ash continued to smile though was obviously confused by the statement. "Its something which I have wanted to tell you for a very long time." "Ok then, go ahead and tell me."

After a deep breathe, Serena spoke. "I...I care about you...a lot because your very important to me. You have been for a very long time and..." Serena stopped herself. This is good, though she still hasn't said the real words. Three simple words was all it took.

Before she could begin again, Ash interjected. "I care about you to Serena." Hearing this sent a shock through Serena's system and made her heart flutter mercilessly. "Really? Do you mean that?" She uttered as hope was rising in her heart.

"Of course I do." Ash begun again. "Your one of the best friends I have ever had and the longest one to." Serena shook her head at him. "No that is not what I meant Ash..." Ash's smile faded and he raised an eyebrow at her. "Then what did you mean?"

"I mean that I...I love you Ash, as more than a friend." Serena closed her eyes. There it was, she said it. In one sense it was like a great burden was off her shoulders, a pressure had finally been released. In another, this could have been the biggest mistake of her life.

"I see." Ash said. Serena opened her eyes to lok at him directly. When she looked into his eyes, she got her answer. They were not filled with the same lovestruck emotions she felt for him. No, of course they weren't.

"Sorry Serena...I have never thought about you that way..." "You know what Ash, forget it. I never should have opened my mouth." Serena had become teary eyed in a a very short time and her apparent regret seemed to burst forth. She glared at Ash with eyes he never thought possible of her. Then she stormed off eager to break away from the horrible feeling which invaded her heart.

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