Nature's Gift

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Hi guys, so sorry about not updating as much, its difficult with college and I have been feeling rather blocked. But, I found this fanart and well look at it. Its kawaii. Hope you guys enjoy this oneshot. ^_^

"Humans are a plague, a disease, they cannot be trusted. All of what they do is done purely in the pursuit of damaging nature, harming the world and putting all of us in danger." "I believe we should give them a chance Father. They... They are not all bad." "This again. Really daughter, what did that boy do to your head?"

Ash was a 6 year old boy. He was very curious about the world. Not a day would go by when he would not meet a Pokemon and make friends with these, as he saw them, gifts of nature. The young raven haired boy had plenty of love for the ecosystem and all its inhabitants, human and Pokemon alike. He would pick up trash, feed Pokemon and do anything to brighten the world around him.

As you can imagine, when the young Kantonian got the opportunity to attend a Pokemon summer camp, well he was jumping off the walls in excitement. This obviously was very entertaining for his mother Delia who couldn't help but smile at his love of the world.

When the time finally came, his excitement could no longer be contained. His mother dropped him off at the camp. In his mind his thoughts were racing. 'I wonder what kind of Pokemon I will see here. I will make friends with everyone. One step closer to becoming a trainer!'

Ash stood watching as the old guy, Professor Oak, began to explain about Pokemon evolution and bonds of friendship. Ash wasn't happy about some of the kids who were just laughing away. He should talk to them and see if they wanna be friends.

Day 2 of Camp:

Ash was excited for the events of the day. After another informative lecture from Professor Oak, he was allowed to explore and interact with some Pokemon. Ash had gotten particularly friendly with a young Pichu. It didnt like many people but it liked him. Upon finding his electrical friend his heart sank.

The boys from the day before were surrounding the small Pokemon. The look of fear on its face really angered Ash. He had never felt this way before. So he ran upto the three boys and pushed them away from the Pichu. "Leave him alone, what your doing is wrong!" Ash yelled defiantly at the boys who took a few moments to recover from his appearance.

These boys were bigger than Ash each one at least two years older. The biggest one looked down on this scrawny little six year old with scorn. "Get lost kid, this Pichu belongs to us. Hes gonna do exactly what I say or get a pounding. What about you? You want a knuckle sandwich?"

"You see daughter, these boys mean to harm that Pichu, they are nothing but a threat!" "Wait, look father." The girl indicated to the young raven haired boy about her age. She blushed slightly at his handsome appearance. "That one is protecting the Pichu, he is a caring person."

Both of them watched the scene unfold from afar. The young girl was now concerned for the boy. Her father, Zygarde seemed fairly disinterested, his view was humans were a disgusting illness and none could be trusted. His daughter was the opposite. She was fascinated by humans.

"Keep away from Pichu, your just bullies." Ash said calmly with the now injured Pichu in his arms. The bullies had kicked Pichu when they got Ash away from it. "Fine, you asked for it you little worm." The largest of the boys let loose a punch which smacked Ash across his face. As he flew to the floor he cradled Pichu in his arms refusing to let it come to further harm.

When he stumbled back up, he felt his cheek had now swollen. He winces at the pain but something spurred him on, a voice, a distant female voice. "Never give up till its over, you must protect that Pichu." Ash didnt know where the voice came from and he didn't have much time to care as another punch met his face in the same place.

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