The Stars Above

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Hello all, gotta say, thanks for over 13k on this book. That's crazy! All success in this book is owed to everyone who reads. This next oneshot is one from a common contributor of fantastical fanart. The wonderful XxWhiteYvonnexX. I hope you all enjoy as usual.

Serena's POV:

I loved my time at summer camp. In the final days of my stay in the region of Kanto, I was rescued by the boy of my dreams. When his raven head protruded out of the bush and his eyes shimmered in the broad daylight with concern, my first emotion was a tired wariness. Yet his kind treatment of me and my injury breathed life into me and ignited a spark of trust. However, it did not blaze nearly as strong as the love I felt for him, the boy who saved me, my crush. It was a blaze that could only be compared to the stars above...

Me and Ash spent so much time together. Wherever he went, I went. We had two days left of Summer Camp before we had to go our separate ways. Strange that at such a young age we had an air of maturity around eachother. I guess we bring out the best in one another.

The moments we spent together were ever more precious when our pair became a group of four...

Let me tell you how I met my partner Eevee:

When the guy called Professor Oak gave us the task to find and befriend a pokemon in the forest I felt two things. Excitement to prove to Ash I am strong and I can be just as passionate about them as him. Sadness because the boys and girls were separated for the activity. The first one seemed redundant.

I was in the same forest that Ash found me in where he mended both my resolve and my wounded knee. My lasting fear had vanished, I was genuinely excited to be here. I didn't know what kind of pokemon I would find. We were in a reasonably close area to the camp ground so that we don't get too lost. My knee had not actually fully healed, Ash's blue pokeball handkerchief was still wrapped around my knee from the day before. It gave me focus, purpose to know a part of him was with me.

I wandered around in a sort of circle for a while until...I saw it. In a small clearing on a rock, an Eevee. It was a girl one to which was perfect for me. It was dancing a graceful dance, every moment a careful and precise display of expert movement. Flips, and twirls and aerial pirouettes, quite impressive for a four legged creature.

The Eevee caught sight of me watching it from a short distance away and it immediately stopped dancing and a look of deep concern was on its face. I had to act fast but try not to startle it. So I approached it very slowly.

"Hello there, my name is Serena." I said in a low, soothing voice. The Eevee was still backing away slowly. Was it afraid of me? No, not fear, fear would make it retreat already. This Eevee is shy. And I just saw its dance.

"I dont mean you any harm Eevee, I saw your dancing." At this it stopped backing away and its ears perked up. I got its attention. "It was beautiful, I didnt mean to make you stop, could I see some more?" I pleaded. It was true, I did want to see more.

The Eevee looked taken aback at my request. I dont blame it, a human girl comes out of nowhere asking it to dance for her. Just slightly strange. The Eevee looked behind it and eyed the bushes. It was like it was contemplating making a run for it.

I was very hopeful that it wouldn't. Our eyes met one last time. With a gulp and a sigh it nodded its head and signalled its agreement. "Yay, thank you so much!" I squealed with joy. This isn't my task but I want to see its graceful dance at least one more time.

I walked to a rock just to the side of the clearing. It so reminded me of the benches in front of a stage. I was the audience for a very skilled little performer.

Amourshipping One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora