Great, what now?

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We demigods never had a good chance of being in a store without destroying it.
And AFO Schmidt was one of the exception apparently.

I had no idea why we were here. Max better not be guessing anything.
I looked down to see Gazzy and Angel look at all the stuffed animals with wide-eyes and slack-jawed expressions, as if it was to hard to compute the 'fun'

"Iggy, there's a whole room of Lego and Bionicle." Gazzy said jumping up and down.

"Go with them," Max told Fang, Leo and I. "And let's keep an eye out for each other, okay?"

The two boys nodded and followed the other boys into the Lego room.

"Um, Percy? Don't you want to be with the gu--- Oh, my gosh," Nudge yelled interrupting Max. Apparently Nudge likes stuffed tigers...

"Oh Max, isn't he the cutest thing? Oh, his name is Samson."

I looked around for Angel until I saw her with a stuffed bear. It was dressed as an angel, with a white gown and little wings on its back. A tiny gold wire halo floated above its head.

Angel tugged on Max's sleeve, I stared at her with uneasiness. Angel's eyes basically pleaded for Max to buy the toy.

I saw as Angel yelled that she wanted the stuffed toy and as Max said no. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a Ouija board spell out a message.

S. A. V. E.

T. H. E.

W. O. R. L. D.

M. A. X.

I frowned as Max started to pale. "Fang!/ Evan!" We said at the same time with different tones.

He whirled, saw Max's and my face, and instantly tapped Iggy's hand while Leo nudged Gazzy.

While Max was telling them about the message of the Ouija board I walked towards the stuffed-animal section of the store. In front of me, Angel was talking to an young woman. My eyes turned misty green and saw that she was mortal, she couldn't be a Eraser.

I looked as Angel gave the woman a sad look, and held up the angel bear to her.

The woman hesitated, then said something that made my blood run cold.

"Okay, what ever you wish, mistress."

No way, that girl is controlling the young woman. I walked up to her and snapped my fingers, covering her with the mist.

"Thank you for finding my little sister, oh, I'm sorry if she bothered you. Thank you again, come one Angel let's go."

Angel looked shocked as the woman looked dazed for a second then smiled. "It was nothing, she's really adorable," I gave her a dazzling smile making her blush.

I then turned to Angel, grabbed her hand gently and carried her to the cash register.

"If you wanted the doll, you could have told me and not mind manipulate people." I said glaring at her when I said mind manipulate making the blonde girl flinch.

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