Trouble with Service

471 19 10

A/N: Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated, school has been a nightmare T~T anyways Iggy do the declaimer.

Iggy: *sighs* Sagario doesn't own Maximum Ride or Percy Jackson and the Olympians, she only owns the plot of this



It's a good day when you're on fire.

That's about it.

No really, stop staring at me like that, well let me explain. I woke up with the booming voice of a cop.

"It is unlawful to climb trees in Central Park."

I looked down at the cop blankly.

"There is a law that says you can't do anything to civilians without a home." The cop faltered at this. My eyes narrowed at that reaction.

"Of course, you would have know if you were real cops, but since you just want us to go back to School, I don't think so." I grabbed Gazzy, Max, Angel and her stuff bear and vapor traveled five yards away from them as Leo grabbed Nudge, Fang and Iggy, flame traveling next to me. I looked back to see the cops looking for us.

The rest of the flock gave us shocked expressions as we headed south and east.

"Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Why did we walk into a church again Perce?" Leo said as he hand his arms crossed, looking at me in confusion.

"This is the only place cops can't get in, even fake ones dressed as them." As we walked down the altar the others started to ask questions.

"What are they doing?--praying, to God or Gods--Oh maybe we should also pray." I gave Gazzy a sideways glanced then sighed as the others (besides Fang and Leo) started to pray.

"I want to see stuff," I closed my eyes at Iggy's prayer, I listened to Angel's and Gazzy's prayer. I opened my eyes to see DP next to me, she was translucent so I was the only one that can see her.

"Sup Prissy,"

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Angel as I felt her mind expand.

"I don't trust her--Neither do I but do you see me saying anything?" I whispered to her as I felt Max's pain. I dropped to my knees the same time Max clutch her head and fell to the ground.

"Can you walk?" Fang said tightly at the two of us. Max nodded as I slowly got up. I held my hand out to Max as she started to get up.

"I saw Thirty-first Street, in my head, and a bunch of numbers."

"So west or east?"

"East." Leo said looking at me in worry. He grabbed my arm, his emotions going crazy making him erupt in flames, which in cause made my long sleeve shirt catch fire.

I glared at Leo as he jumped back in shock and guilt. I ripped the sleeve off and stomped it on the floor as the others stared at Leo in surprise.


"So do we have money? I hope?" Gassy asked as I put on a new shirt. They saw the bandages, they just didn't ask, as the black silk descended to cover my upper body.

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