'Secret' Challenge

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Do XxDream20xX tagged me to do this (thanks) so I will. Basically I have to share 10 secrets about me, so enjoy ^~^

One: I have 2 dogs, Dixie and Delta. They are my babes. Dog Type: Shih-Tzu-Age: Almost One-Fun Fact: They are Sisters!

Two: Again with the dogs, we were only supposed to get Delta, but Dixie looked so sad. When we got back to my grandparents (we had to go back there instead of my house because my mom had a migraine) we surprised her with Dixie. She (Dixie) looked like she was going to perish. But now she is more mischievous and weighs more than Delta.

Three: I am shy. XxDream20xX and _WarriorNeko180_ probably don't agree with this, but, at a family family reunion, I didn't talk to anyone I didn't know. Even though they were all family. I have to get used to the person before I'm comfortable.

Four: I am not typing this on my iPad. It's my younger sister's. Mine charges VERY slowly and goes down within 1-2 hours.

Five: I love roller coasters. When I was 8 and went to Disney World, I rode all of the big roller coasters and only hated one. That was Space Mountain. I would probably LOVE it now but...

Six: My favorite genre of book on wattpad is Kidnapping. Judge me all you want, but it is AWESOME.

Seven: In real life (real books) I love Warriors, Survivors, and The Hunger Games. I am reading the new sires of Warriors (A Vision of Shadows). I am on the second book of Survivors (don't feel like getting up). And on the third book of The Hunger Games (Mocking Jay).

Eight: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE getting comments from people I don't know irl. Sorry guys ^~^.

Nine: My favorite type emoji thing is ^~^ if you couldn't tell

And Finally Ten: I am moving to a new house in a matter of three weeks. I already knew the person who is buying the house I am in. And XxDream20xX and I will live close to each other.

And the tags are:
AAmmith9303 (sorry for bothering, you don't have to do this ^~^)

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