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So, today in my second period class (Mr. Carr) we had to make our own island with two rivers, one straight, two mountains, one bay, four major towns, six settlements, and some other stuff. I decided to call mine Wattpad Island (not official). So there is the Bay of C0rrupt3d, Mt. Colin, Mt. Angela, Lake Sky, and The Straight of Dream. I believe the town capitol will be Kit, another another major town will be Chari, and another called Teel. A lot of other people were having a horribly hard time, while I was like, 'BITCHES (and bastards) IM LOVING THIS!' When I showed it to my teacher, who had no idea what wattpad is, and I didn't feel like explaining, said it was cool and creative. He also thought it was odd how I did C0rrupt3d and yah. That's Wattpad Island people!

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