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We are going on a 9 hour trip on a charter bus. Dream and I are sitting by each other. We have probably the worst seats on the bus, but it's fine because people around us are great.

The bus' wifi doesn't work worth a crap, so there are four people using my hotspot, meaning I'm using 5x my data. It doesn't exactly help that Dream and two other friends are using things like Netflix and YouTube. It's fine though. My data renews two days after we get back.

Now, let me tell you about our seats. I probably sound like an extremely spoiled kid, but oh well. We don't have a charging port (all of the other seats have one), our air conditioner is too high for Dream and I to reach (that's not much of a problem tho), and the thing that the thing that blocks the sun only goes halfway to the bottom (that's also not much of a problem because it's cloudy).

You may ask, "hey, why don't you move?" Well... we can't and we really don't want to. The people in the first seats are mostly adults, and the more popular of the 26 of us are in the middle. The back is completely full (that's where our seat is).

The good thing is, a person next to us has a really long charger, it's already cold on the bus, and, as I said, it's cloudy.

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