7: Handshakes

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Taylor's POV

Today we're in the house filming. After setting up, we started with the bedroom scenes.

"Kids, you're gonna wake up Taylor and Toby okay, scream and yell, do whatever wakes them up," Rowan explains, "alright? Brewer? Fin?"

"Alright," Brewer screams.

"Otay," Fin says holding his thumb up.

"Alright when I say go, run up and jump on the bed," Rowan says.

"And action, alright go boys," Rowan says.

The boys run up and try to wake us up. It didn't go as planned and someone hit their head while the other fell on Toby. Brewer's mom came to get him and calm him while Fin cried hopelessly in my arms.

"Finley, shh, it's alright," I say hugging him close.

Eventually they were both ready and Rowan tried again this time with my help.

"Let's play a game, Toby and I are gonna go to sleep and you have to wake us up, okay? And you win if we wake up and we win if we stay sleeping," I say, "can we practice our jumping?" I say jumping up and down, "now let's practice our screaming, Wake up, wake up!"

"Wake up! Wake up!" The boys scream.

"Yeah, good job guys," I say high giving them.

"Ready to play? I ask.

"Yeah, we're gonna win!" Brewer shouts at me.

"No, we're gonna win," I say.

"No I'm gonna win," he says.

"I am," I say.

"No I am.

"I am," he says.

"Taylor back to one," Rowan says stopping the argument.

"I am," brewer shouts getting the last word.

We reset time and time again each one getting better and better. We finally finish after ten takes.

The next one with with Libby the baby. She's adorable.

I watch the monitor as Toby and her film. It's amazingly cute how she just loves him. It was just like crying cute what shots they got with her and Toby. Then when it was my turn to hold Libby she would cry and cry until her mother came and took her. As soon as she felt she was in her mothers arms she would stop.

Then Rowan told me that if I waved this troll with the in her face it calms her.

So while waving it in her face I sang a little song.

"Don't ever dye your hair this color, cause then you have to dye it a lot, and people won't like you, don't ever dye your hair this color," I sang well something like that I was blocking out the whole moment. If people knew I made that up then they wouldn't believe I write my own music. It was a terrible song but Libby was entranced with it.

Next we set up for Jacqueline's scene where the parents are fighting and she runs out.

In between scenes Rowan and her make up a secret handshake.

"Mwiss Taywlor? Cawn wee havwe a secwert hanwdshawke?" Fin asks.

"Yeah, you go find Brewer and Gage and Phoenix and we'll make a better one," I tell him. He runs off.

"I hear you're gonna try to beat our handshake," Rowan says in a playful jealous tone.

"Yeah," I laugh.

"May the best handshake win," he says with mad eyes.

"Yeah, may my handshake win," I smirk.

"No mine is," he says.

"Your what?" Jackie says joining in.

"Handshake to the death," Rowan says turning around and walking away.

"Okay, mine will win," I call after him.

"Ours will," Jackie says following him, "thanks for letting me be in the video," she stops to tell me.

"No problem little me," I say.

"Good luck," she grins.

"Back to one please," Rowan yells. She runs off and Fin comes running back with the boys and Phoenix. Phoenix gives my leg a hug before I lift her off the ground. We go and sit in the grass and make up the best of the best handshake that a three year old can comprehend.

Two hours later and so far three out of five of us understand the handshake. Phoenix and Fin are still a little lost.

We do b-roll and then just bloopers of us screwing around before we call it and head to the hotel.

All the kids ran down to the pool along with me. It's was like a private pool, well it way I paid for the hotel to close for about two hours. Lots of money but I think they'll manage.

Crappy chapter. So sorry there's been no update but I need some ideas. I'm so sorry.


You and who have the best handshake?

I suck at handshakes so no one.

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