8: Sand Castles and Cold Water

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Phoenix's POV

I don't know why I've never been to the beach but I never had. I stand still as miss Taylor lathers me with sunscreen. I'm all ready with flip flops, bathing suit and I've got my very own towel and goggles. But goggles hurt my face sometimes so I don't wear them. Finley is also wearing a bathing suit. He's is red and blue, mine is green and pink and white. I have a green towel and he has a red one.

"Stand still Fin, please?" Miss Taylor says.

"It's colwd," my brother pulls away.

"I know but I'm almost done," she says holding him back.

"No, it's colwd," Fin pulls away again.

"It otay, it otay," I say holding his hand.

Miss Taylor smiles at us. She quickly finishes and we hurry to the door with our backpacks. Mine is so cool it has Disney princesses. Fin has Batman. Miss Taylor goes to the bathroom and gets dressed in her swim suit, I think but she comes out in black high waisted shorts and a striped black and white shirt. She puts on flip flops like mine. But hers don't have a back elastic that's holds her foot in.

She takes both our hands after getting her stuff. We both let go and race to the elevator. I got there first. But Fin says he got there first. But I know I did. I press the down arrow and Miss Taylor helps Finley press number one.

When we get to the lobby and we load in a big black car. Well maybe it's white. I don't know there was so many people I couldn't see. I just remember getting lifted in to the car by a security guard.

Miss Taylor hurries and helps Finley and I get buckled. Then the car starts moving and all the people with cameras go away.

I fall asleep a little. It was just so comfy and the music was on quietly.

But when I woke up we were at the beach. It's sand here. It made my feet feel weird but Miss Taylor told me to take off my shoes and walk barefoot. 

"But it could hurwt me," I tell her.

"I promise if you get hurt I'll make it all better, okay?" Miss Taylor says.

"Otay," I agree. She helps me remove my flip flops and shake off the sand before shoving them in my backpack.

"All better?" She asks.

"Upppy?" I ask with puppy eyes.

"Okay," she smiles lifting me off the ground. I wrap my feet around her stomach and one of my hand around her neck. She supports my butt with one hand and the other on my back. Finley was running around with the other boys in the water.

Miss Taylor walked much faster than I can walk. All the way to the water.

"Hey Phoenix, you wanna play in the water?" She asks.

"No," I say.

"Why? It's fun watch," she says putting her hand in.

"No," I say more sternly.

"Okay how about we build a sand castle?" She asks walking back to the beach.

"Yeah!" I cheer excitedly.

"Okay, so can you go get that red bucket?" She asks setting me down and taking off my backpack.

"Yeah," I say running and grabbing the bucket. I hurry back and hand her the bucket. She shows me how to fill it all up. I help put a lot of same in the bucket. Then she walks far away from the water, well far for me. And flips the bucket over. I think the same might fall out but instead it forms a small castle.

I smile and pat the sand castle. It crumbles and I start crying. Did I hurt it? I think I killed it.

"Oh what's the matter?" Miss Taylor wraps me in her arms.

"I-i hurwt it," I stutter while motioning to the half of the sand castle.

"Oh it's okay watch this," she says refilling the red bucket. She rebuilds the whole castle and it looks exactly the same. I get up and inspect it, all around. It looks exactly the same.

"How did you do that?" I say looking at her like she's a magician.

"It's easy, see you fill the bucket," she says setting the red bucket in front of me. I put handful after handful in it until it's overflowing. Then miss Taylor dumps it over and makes another sand castle. I, of course, inspect it. It's perfectly like the last.

"You a Faiwry?" I ask with wide eyes.

"No, I'm not a fairy, crazy, I'm Taylor," she tickles me.

"No you're miss Taylor", I correct her.

"Okay I'm miss Taylor," she agrees.

"Otay," I say.

"Okay, come here Phoenix," she says picking me up again.

"Taylor! You mind getting in the shoot?" Mr Rowan calls. Miss Taylor tells me to stay close before stepping over the shooting line.

I stay behind it and watch. It's actually an imaginary line but I still sit and watch.

The water's really cold. And I don't want to build a sand castle alone. So I watch miss Taylor and mr Toby.

I find my backpack and dig out a fruit snack. I don't know if I'm aloud to eat it now. I'll ask.

I push my self up and run over to Miss Taylor.

"Phoenix," she yells. I think it was a happy yell.

"Cawn I eawt this?" I say showing her it.

"Yeah I guess so, you don't want breakfast? I have some in the car for you guys," she says.

"No thwank yowu," I say running back to my stuff. I take a seat and try my best to open them. Miss Taylor comes and laughs at me.

"Cawn you helwp me?" I ask.

"Yes," she says taking them and opening them without ease.

"Thwank yowu," I smile at her.

"Your welcome, here let's go over here," she says gathering my stuff. I follow her and she sets it next to Finley's stuff.

Then she walks over to a blonde girl. They talk then she introduces me.

"Phoenix this is JJ," she says.

"Hellwo, miss JJ," I say.

"Hi Phoenix, you wanna play in the water or build a castle?" She asks.

"Is the water cold?" I ask.

"A little but I'll keep you warm," she says with a smile.

"Okay," I agree. I give miss Taylor my fruit snacks and JJ carries me in to the water. It was cold but it wasn't to cold.

JJ said to hold my breath and we went under the water. It was cold but really fun. We played in the sand and the water together. She is very nice and sweet.

Miss Taylor finished shooting the video today. So we go home tomorrow, I think. I don't know. But she says we have a special surprise tonight.

Thanks for supporting this slow updated book.


If you say the BTS video you know what the special surprise is, so what is it?

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