9: The X-Files Bonding Session

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~ Kyouko's P.O.V ~

Makoto and I go back to my house together so we can tell Dad about our relationship together. And Makoto left one of his his history books at my house from the last time we had a study session together.

I opened the front door and Makoto followed me inside. Dad is sitting on the couch watching the news.

He looks up at Makoto and I and turns the TV volume down so we can talk.

"Hey, kids. What's up" Dad said.

"We have to tell you something" I say.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Dad asks, half jokingly.

"No, but were dating" I say.

"Cool, congrats" Dad says.

"That's it? Seriously?" I ask, shocked.

I'm surprised that Dad isn't questioning Makoto like a freaking detective. It's a genetic thing.

"Yeah. Makoto don't hurt her of I'll hunt you down and end you..blah blah blah" Dad mumbled.

"Okay, we'll be upstairs" I said.

I grabbed Makoto by the arm and drag him upstairs and into my bedroom.

I give him the history book that he forgot the other day and he puts it off to the side.

"Have you seen The X-Files?" He asks.

"A few episodes. Why?" I asked.

"I was planning on re-watching a few episodes today so we could watch that as something to do" Makoto suggests.

"Sure. Is my laptop good enough to watch it on?" I ask.

Makoto nods. I grab my laptop, boot it up and pull up Netflix. I click on The X-Files and play season one episode one.

Halfway through the first episode Makoto and I are practically sitting on top of one and other and we don't move until we're forced to be done watching the show for the day.

Scully and Mulder need to get together like a.s.a.p and I've heard that they do and that makes me a extremely happy teenage girl. I'm glad that Makoto's a giant nerd so he'll get me into good shows like The X-Files. Even if he's a giant nerd I still love him.

We watch nearly half the season before Dad walks inside my bedroom and says that it's time for Makoto to leave.

I close my laptop and stand up from my bed. Dad leaves my bedroom, not closing the door behind himself.

Makoto and I hug a little longer then necessary before he leaves my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

I change into a over-sized white tee-shirt, black basketball shorts, and white socks. I leave my bedroom and go into the bathroom and use the toilet and brush my teeth.

Once I'm done with my nighttime routine I return to my bedroom as I hear the front door open and close lightly, as if Dad is sneaking out. He could be going out so he could hook up with Madoka? I don't care either way as long as he makes it back home in one piece.

I close the door when I walk into my bedroom and grab my phone. I check the time and it's 11:45. I wonder why Dad made Makoto leave so early.

His curfew with Byakuya was always midnight and sometimes he would forget and just let him sleepover. Maybe he doesn't want Makoto to think that he's a pushover or just a bad parent.

I groan and pull up iTunes and play my sleep playlist. The first song is Alive Inside from The Walking Dead Game soundtrack.

I turn the lights off and climb into my bed. I pull the covers up to my chin and place my phone on the bedside table next to my bed.

I close my eyes and practically instantly fall into sleeps warm embrace, thinking of Makoto and The X-Files.

Hey guys, how are you all doing today.

Sorry for the shorter then average chapter, I just hit a wall of writers block while I was writing the chapter.

I hope you all have been enjoying this Fam Fiction so far because I've enjoyed writing this a lot.

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Special thanks to Squidney_Da_Squid & everyone else who comments on this nearly every chapter I write. If it weren't for readers like you I would forget to write as often as I do.

See you all in the next chapter or Fan Fiction, My Wonderful AmazeBalls!

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