Chapter 3

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I woke in a big bed. I stood grabbing my things that were on the bed side stand. I knew I had two guards at the door. I could smell and here them. The door opened revealing a tall tan man.  

 "What happened, why am I here?" I asked the light brown hair dude who just walked through the room door. 

 "You seriously don't remember?" He stood before me. 

 "The last thing I remember was bumping into a blue eyed sex God." He laughed at my words. 

"Where do you plan on going?" He asked. 

"Home, where I belong. You can't keep me here. I have a pack to run." I walked pasted him. 

"Alpha Luke wouldn't be so happy with that. I mean you are his mate." The guy followed me. 

I saw my car and ran for it. I got in and started the engine. I put it in reverse but stopped. I froze but still managed to lock myself inside the car. Alpha Luke was standing behind my car. His blue eyes no longer friendly. 

Well what do you expect, his mate is running away from him. Tayla didn't sound so happy with me. 

Did you forget that we have a family. A little sister and a sick mother. I'm not leaving them behind! I shouted at her. 

You're right. Okay. But we can't escape him. Tayla whimpered. 

I revved my engine but he didn't more. I stared at him through my rear view mirror. He was breathing hard with anger. I looked to see a space between two cars. I could drive fast go up into the grass and floored it home. I put my car in drive and went for it. I got out, without a scratch on my car. Laughing I floored it the rest of the way home. Surprised and scared that he didn't chase me. 

"What have you done!" My mom was out of her bed. 

"I can't stay there mom! You're sick and Lilac needs me. She looks up to me. I can't leave you guys here. Besides....I have a pack to run." I stalked passed her. 

"He's coming and when he comes he's going to destroy everything until he gets what's his. And that you." My mom said. 

I took in a deep breath. 

"If comes, and I know he will. I'll be ready." I walked up into my room where I waited. 

I have been getting calls from other packs to help them but I felt bad for ignoring them. I heard a scream and ran down stairs. Alpha Luke was holding a little girl by her neck. My heart dropped. Everyone was huddling in fear. I saw the mother of the child. She had fear written all over her face. I walked over to him. I wasn't even scared. I took the girl into my hands. He didn't let her go. 

"Let her go." I growled. 

This wasn't a normal growl. This was a low protect growl. I was giving him a warning. He let her go. I walked her over to her mom. 

"I'm so sorry about this." I told her. 

She took her child into her hands. I saw the bruises forming. I stepped back. This is my fault. I turned to Luke. Angered that he would even put hands on a baby. I stalked over to him and slapped the crap out of him. 

"Leave my land! NOW!" My voice was powerful, but he had no effect on it. 

He laughed. Sending shivers down my back. His dimples showed. God no! He was still laughing. I rolled my eyes. 

"Luke, just leave." I shook my head. 

"I'm not leaving without what's mine...and since what's mine doesn't want to leave I think I'll stay...maybe torture a few...." I cut him off by my fist into his stomach. 

He leaned over to he just my height. I wanted to hit him again but I couldn't. I looked back at my pack. I sighed. Taking Luke by his ear I pulled him to my room. Yes. My room. He sat on my bed as I paced back and forth. 

"You're going to pay for this." He groaned. 

"Touch me and we won't be having kittens in the future." I growled. 

Did I really just say that? I shook it off and paced back and forth again. I didn't want to leave my family and pack but with him being here they are all in danger. 

"Stop pacing." He stood but sat back down. 

That punch in his stomach took a big toll on him. I maybe small and a female but I can't fight like a man. I smirked at that. 

"Come here." He croaked. 

I stopped. He needed my touch to heal him. Ha. I wanted him weak. He couldn't hurt me or my pack if was weak. 

"Get. Over. Here." He gritted. 

His jaw line is killer. I watched a clinch his mouth shut flexing his jaw. I sighed and walked over to him. 

"Lay down." I mumbled. 

He did as he was told. Surprisingly. I lifted up his shirt. A huge bruise covered his abs. I ran my hand down his abs. Oh this feels good. I placed my hand over the bruise. I looked into his eyes and pain went away. I could feel it. He grabbed my hand and slung me on the pinning me down. He growled and smashed his lips against mine. 

"Time for your punishment." He growled grabbed my hand and leading me down stairs. 

The first person I saw was Jojo. She was only thirteen. Luke grabbed her throwing me onto the ground. 

"No!" I shouted and grabbed her, blocking his punch. 

That hurt. He stood in shock and fear. I felt a liquid run down my face. I wiped it and froze. Blood. My eyes flashed from brown to grey back to brown. 

"Phoebe?" Luke touched my face. 

I stared at him. 

"Jojo, leave us." My voice was calm, too calm. 

"No, one told you to do that." Luke defended himself. 

"You were going to hit her! She's only thirteen!" I shouted. 

"Phoe....Oh My God." Lilac stared at Luke and then me. "Did you do that to her?" 

"By accident..." He was cut off by a lamp flying at him. 

"MICHAEL!" Luke shouted and out of nowhere this red head guy tackled my sister. 

"Omg, omg, omg....No no no....I'm so so fucking sorry." I could hear the fear in his voice. 

I ran to only see him on top if my sister. She was fine but her in another world. Shit. 

"Get off of her." I pulled him off. 

"No! She's my mate!" He pushed me. 

I froze. Mate! Hell no! 

"Hell No! She's only seventeen! You're what! Twenty something! Fuck No!" I shouted. 

Why do I feel like today is going to be a long day. Luke is not going to leave unless I go with him. My pack is in danger with him here. 


Three chapters in one night! 

Comment telling me what you think & vote!! 


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