Chapter 7

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"Well, I'm tired so please follow me." I walked back to my room. 

Luke shut the door behind him. I crawled up in my bed. 

"I'm sorry for the all shit I put you through." Luke apologized as he pulled close to his body. 

"Mhm." I closed my eyes. 

"Truth is I'm scared to love you, everyone who loved me left me. My parents. My brothers. My family. The only ones who stayed are Calum, Michael and Ashton. My three main guys." Luke sighed blowing his warm minty breath on my neck. 

"That's why you wanted me to stay at your pack, you think I'm going to leave you?" I turned facing him. "I can't leave you, Luke do you realize if I tried running away from you right now, I'd collapse." 

He nodded and closed his eyes. I could never leave him. He is my life. I touched his face, his bread whiskers felt funny against the palm of my hand. 

"We're going to have our ups and downs, but I know for a fact that I'll never leave you." I wanted to kiss him so badly. 

My lips itched for his. He opened his eyes. 

"Teach me what love is." His voice was soft. 

"Okay." I smiled rubbing his cheek with my thumb. 

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. We laid there for a little while until I got hungry. Taking Luke with me I went into the kitchen. 

"Hey babe." Justin smiled as he chewed on some chips. 

I swallowed hard. 

"Babe?" Luke walked up behind me. 

"Phoebe, who's that?" Justin looked at me. 

"My mate. Why are you in my kitchen!" I nearly shouted. 

"Just came to see my girl." He smiled. 

I know what he's doing. I turned to Luke. 

"Luke meet my ex, Ex meet my mate." I smiled. 

"Ouch, Y'know I may be your ex but I'm also your first." He laughed. 

Something in Luke snapped. He felt hurt and angry. All I know is that Justin is inches off the ground and Luke was holding him by his neck. 

"You can't be serious." I groaned. "Luke, put him down." 

"Why!" Luke gritted. "Do you still love him." 

"No! I stopped loving him the day he cheated on me." I looked away not wanting to remember. 

"You cheated on her? The best you could ever have and you cheated on her!" Luke throw him.  

I gasped. Well he deserved it. 

"Justin, please get out of my house and never return." I was shaking. 

"How was he?" He asked me, I stared at him. "In bed." 

He opened my fridge. Is he serious. Do I really need to answer that? 

"Well?" He sat down at the kitchen island with a water bottle and grapes. 

"I wasn't screaming his name or leaving scratch marks on his back so I guess he wasn't that good." I grumbled getting the making for a sandwich out. 

I realized that I eat a lot of sandwiches so I put the stuff back and got out two ham and cheese Hot Pockets. 

"So who was your first?" I asked him. 

"Just a random girl, I was drunk so I don't count her....but I was in a relationship....I loved her....until she found her mate. She walked away from me so easily. Like those 'I love yous' meant nothing to her." Luke sighed. 

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