Chapter 16

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I ran after Luke. Why is he sorry? Did he not want a child? I walked outside to see a white, grey Tiger with ice blue eyes. It looked like Calum's Tiger. 

Calum. I mind linked with him. 

The Tiger looked at me and bowed his head. 

I'm not Calum, I'm Blake. He spoke. 

Well, Blake please go find Luke for me. I smiled and walked back inside. 

I need to find my mom and her doctor mate. I went to the pack hospital first. I opened the door to see Brady and my mom making out. My poor eyes. 

"OMG, I'm sorry..." I bit back my laughter. "I need an ultrasound." 

"What?" They both said. 

"I'm pregnant. Well to Luke I am." I shrugged.  

Brady stood and lead me to the room. I hopped up on the hospital bed and lead back. He pulled a machine over to me. He lifted up my shirt and I heard a growl. 

"Sorry Alpha." Brady bowed his head. 

"Don't mind him, just do your job." I said a little annoyed with Luke. 

He put some cold gel on my stomach and turned on the machine. He placed the ultrasound probe on my stomach. I watched the screen and listened hard. I watched as his eyes widen. There was more than one. Two is looks like.  

"They look like a jellybeans." Luke laughed. "My little jellybeans." 

I turned to see Luke is tears almost. He wanted a baby or babies? Good, because I'm not getting rid of my little babies. He moved closer too me and placed his hand over mine. 

"How far along is she?" My mom asked. 

"Almost a month." He smiled. 

"Wait what? It hasn't even been a month yet." I said. 

"The baby will grow fast, since you're having twins. You're stomach is going to be huge. But your pregnancy will only last sixteen weeks so about one hundred and twelve days so technically four months" I listened as my mom spoke. *I googled about this, I don't know if I'm accurate or not* 

"So my stomach will grow rapidly over the weeks?" I swallowed hard. 

"Yes, hun." She patted my stomach. "You two had sex more than once so this is what you get." 

"You're cruel." I laughed. 

Brady wiped the gel off my stomach and I sat up. Will my stomach grow over night? Luke helped me off the bed and we walked out. 

"Phoebe, I'm sorry I reacted that way. I was shock and I thought you didn't want a child right now...heck we're too young for this...and after what just happened." Luke babbled. 

I kissed him to shut him up. 

"I do what this baby or babies....I want a family with you." I smiled. "Me and Lilac we plan on making a barrier around our land to keep the hunters away. Also we're making a trip back to Alpha Scott's land. We want to do the same there too." 

Luke nodded. "When will we be doing this?" 

"Erm, tomorrow." I smiled. 


I jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom. I throw up everything I ate yesterday. I hate this. Luke rubbed my back. When did he get in here? Once I was done I brushed my teeth. I leaned against Luke. Seeing it was daylight I got me and Luke got dressed and went down stairs. I was craving for my cheesecake. 

"WHO THE FUCK ATE MY CHEESECAKE!" I shouted with a growl. 

I looked around to see Michael trying to hide. I growled and stalked towards him. Lilac moved in front of me. I growled at her but she kept her ground. 

"Fine, before we have to leave I want you two to go to the store and get me my cheesecake." I arched my eyebrow at them daring for them to say no. 

I smiled in triumph as they stomped out the kitchen. I heard Luke laugh and glared at him. 

"I'm not laughing at you, hun." Luke stood and pulled me into his arm. 

I took a deep breath taking in his scent. My nerves calmed down. I felt relaxed. Me and Luke waited as they came back. They walked in with a bunch of food. Lilac handed me my cheesecake. 

"I'll get a fork." He said. "But...I want some of that." 

"I'll think about it." I laughed. 

After a few hours we were at Alpha's Scott's pack house where he lives. Luke helped me out the car. I heard Lilac laugh. Oh I can't wait for this to happen to her. People stared sending us dirty looks. 

"Keep looking at us like that, and our alliance is off." I snapped at them. 

They looked away. I smiled and continued to walk. 

"Wow." I looked up to see Luna Ally. "You're pregnant, I'd say about almost two months." 

"Correct." I said. 

I followed her through the house and stopped. Something doesn't seem right. I walked down the hall following my senses. I heard someone shout my name but I ignored it. My heart rate picked up as pushed opened a heavy metal door. I gasped as I seen a girl. I knew she was on of my kind. 

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked pointing to the girl. 

"We found her today, We put her in here because...." Alpha Scott was cut off. 

"LIAR! They kept me trapped in here. I haven't ate in days. They think I'm a spy or shit...I'm just an outcast. My pack disowned me because I wouldn't marry a man who wasn't my mate." She cried. 

I nodded. I walked over to her and pulled off the chains. Luke moved in and picked her up because she was too weak to walk. 

"After what I have done for you guys...You treat my kind like this." I say. "Our alliance is off, I want nothing to do with you." 

We walked out there. I saw Ashton and Luke talking. Luke handed Ashton the girl, once she was in Ashton's arms I knew she was his mate. I smiled. 

I got into the car and we left. I damn dogs. I saved their fucking Alpha and they treat my kind like this. Why didn't they just call us up instead. Luke touched my thigh and everything that made me upset went away. I hated that he had this effect on me. 

"WATCH OUT!" Luke shouted at Ashton but it was too late. 


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