Chapter 10

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                                                                                Phoebe's POV 

I walked into the kitchen, making me and Luke a sandwich. I'm actually still pissed at Kayla. I don't even want to be in this house right now. 

"Stop murdering the tomato." Luke walked in. 

"This tomato is Kayla, I can murder her if I like...right?" I smiled up at Luke. 

"Ouch, I don't think you can, love." Luke wrapped his arms me. 

"Did you just call me, love?" I blushed. 

"Maybe." Luke kissed my neck. 

He grabbed the sandwich that I just finished making. 

"How do you know if that was yours or not?" I mumbled. 

"Don't matter." He spoke with food in his mouth. 

I knew he walked away, I felt his presences leave. And that's when I heard him shouting. I left what I was doing to see what the yelling was all about. 

I saw one of my pack members crying in fear. The person looked at me. I felt my blood boiling with anger. I didn't care if Luke is my mate but making one of my pack members cry. He crossed the line. 

"What the fuck, Luke!" I shouted getting his attention. 

"He was running in my house and made my sandwich dropped." Luke grumbled. 

My angry went away and I started laughing. I laughed so hard that my side starting hurting. Luke grumbled and walked up stairs. 

"Hey, I'm sorry about that, but please no running in the house." I told the little kid. 

I went back into the kitchen and finished making a sandwich for me. I decided to make another one for Luke. As I was coming up to the door I heard two voices. Luke's and what seems to be Kayla's voice. I opened my eyes to see a naked Kayla. I dropped the sandwich and ran. I passed Ashton and Micheal on the way out. I looked back to see them running after me. I shifted and ran faster. I needed to get away from there. I came upon the cliff and saw two tigers. One was orange with black stripes with abit of white in the fur and the other one was white and grey with black stripes. Their eyes were breath taken. The orange one had gold eyes while the other one had ice blue eyes. I stepped back and the cliff gave way. I was dangling off the cliff. I felt sharp teeth on my neck. why couldn't they just let me fall. Once I was on land safe and sound ...sadly... I saw that there were three tigers. None of them were Luke. 

Phoebe are you okay? The Tiger who saved me mind linked with me. 

Yes, thanks to you. I grumbled. Who is who?  

I'm Calum. The Tiger in front of me spoke. He looked just like Luke but had dark grey in his fur.

Michael. The orange one bowed his head. 

And I'm Ashton. Ashton laughed. 

Guys, I can't go back there. Not now. I sighed. 

I know you can feel his emotions, he's hurt right now. Ashton stepped forward. 

I don't care, I'm hurt right now. I'm hurt and pissed. And those emotions should not be mixed. I sat down.  

Phoebe, come on. Calum said and walked off. 

I don't know why but I followed him. Ashton and Michael followed behind me. I as we came upon the pack house I can hear Luke's screams. He was in pain. Why? I shifted and ran following his voice. Was in the our rooms clothes. 

"Luke!" I cried kneeling down next to him. 

His blue eyes filled with tears. He had blood on his hands and face. Blood stains on his shirt, and pants. I gasped. 

"I got rid of our problem, Bea." Luke cried. 

"Shh, shh." I moved so that he could rest his head on my chest. 

"You ran away from me and I lost it. I thought you we're coming back. I-I thought I lost you because of her....So I get rid of her." Luke cried. 

"I'm never leaving you, I ran because I was upset and I didn't want to do anything stupid but it seems that you beat me to it." I rested my head on his. "Come on, you need to get cleaned up." 

I stood, helping him up. I still saw the hurt and fear in his eyes. I kissed his cheek. I walked him into the bathroom. 

"Phoebe, I realized this today but I realized that without you my world is meaningless....I love you and I don't ever want to lose you." Luke crashed his lips against mine. 

My heart sped up as I molded my lips with his. Breaking the kiss for a quick minute he took off his shirt. I took off mine...well what's left of it. He pressed me against the bathroom wall cupping my breast with his hand. I moaned and tilted my head as he trailed kisses down to my mark. His tongue flicked over it sending chills down my body. 

YESSS!!! FINALLY!!! GET SOME!!!! Tayla popped up. 

I pushed her out of my head. This is my moment. Luke pulled away. He had a smirk on his face. His hand turned into a paw and his claws came out. With one gentle swipe my bra was on the floor. I gasped as the cold air hit my nipples making them hard. This is all too soon but I don't care. He pushed my legs open with his knee. The water was running. Luke took the rest of his clothes off my eyes wondered down his body. My eyes widen. Good God, is that going to hurt me? I looked up at him.  

"Keep your mouth open anymore and I'll put something in it." Luke smirked. 

I closed my mouth and took the rest of my clothes off. Is it strange I'm not nervous or anything? 

No, because he's your mate and you have a banging body. Tayla commented and then left.  

Luke picked up and put me into the tub. May I remind you this tub is HUGE. Luke stepped in and pulled me closer to him. I could his hard-on my my waist. 

"As much as I want too. Not tonight. That's your punishment." Luke smirked. 

My mouth feel open. He can be serious. He pulled me down into the water as he sat down. I sat between his legs. He dipped a sponge into the water and squeezed it out over my breast. 

"Wait, why am I being punished in a such a cruel way at that?" I asked turning a little bit. 

"Because you ran from me and almost fell off a cliff." Luke rubbing the sponge across my breasts.  

"Who told you?" I asked him. 

"Doesn't matter." His voice was hard. 

"Bipolar pussy cat." I grumbled turning away from him. 

"What was that?" Luke asked holding me by my waist so I couldn't run. 


Hope you guys enjoyed that. Next chapter should be real interesting...Lol. I wanna get this fanfiction on Popular Fanfictions here on Wattpad :) 
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