Chapter 8

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I quickly moved, but Luke moved faster. I was pinned against the wall. Lust was written all over his face, eyes, his body. His hand roamed my body while the other one held my hands together. He was much stronger than me. 

"Your scent is intoxicating." He whispered into my ear. 

I felt his hand on my waist line. No! No! I tried to move but failed. Luke smirked. He leaned in and stole a simple kiss from my lips. 

"I can't wait for the day I finally have you." He kissed behind my ear before we walked out. 

My ankle no longer hurt, I let out a deep sigh. He is torturing me. He knows I want him, he's know I'm fighting my urge. His words taunted my mind. I can't wait for the day I finally have you. I ran my hand through my hair. This is going to be harder than I thought. 

I woke up to Luke not being in the bed. I know I feel asleep with him in the bed. So where is he? I got up and followed his scent. 

"So tell me why you're sitting in your the dark?" I heard what seems like Calum talking. 

"I woke up hungry for her...She's not ready....Our relationship isn't ready for it....Heck I don't think I'm even ready....but God, Cal. Every time I get close to her, her scent alone sends me over the edge." Luke said. 

I moved but bumped into the wall. I gasped and rushed back into the room. I went into the bathroom and shut the door. My body was hot. Too hot for my own comfort. I ran myself a cold bath. It's not even morning yet. 

It's the mating bond, you two will feel like this until you have sex. Tayla laughed. Since you wanna be stubborn you are going to have to suffer.  

Damn it. I stripped and got into the once cold water. After a few seconds of being in it the water went warm. Crap. I just sat there. Trying the hardest to calm my body but it was hard with Tayla putting imagines of Luke's bare chest in mind. I had to shut her out just to calm my body down. 

"Phoebe?" I hard Luke's voice. 

"I'm in the bath...please don't ask why....I'll be out in a few." I called to him. 

I got out, dried off and put my clothes back on. I slowly opened the door. Luke was sitting on the bed with his hands covering his face. 

"Yes?" I walked out the bathroom. 

"I need you, I know you don't to but we both need to." Luke stood. 

"Luke, you need take cold shower and relax your body....because nothing is happening." I walked over to my side of the bed. "I don't care if I's far to early for us to mate." 

He groaned and walked into the bathroom. I closed my eyes relaxing my body. Calming my mind. i was slowly drifting off when I felt the bed deep in. Luke was getting back in. I moved to he wouldn't touch me. 

"Phoebe." Luke warned me. 

I moved away from him again. This isn't a game. I just don't want to feel that uncomfortable hotness again. I moved once more making him grab me and pull me into his arm. The heat over took my body. I moved from his arms. 

"No." I managed to get out. 

"I'm sorry. Did you just say No?" Luke got on his knees. "Too me?" He crawled over to me. 

Luke was now over me. His eye blue eyes stared into my brown eyes. It was like he was looking into my soul. I knew he hated being told no, but heck. I'm not ready for this. 

"Fine, let me mark you instead." Luke smiled. 

I opened my mouth to protest but closed it. Hmm. 

"Only if I can mark you." I answered him. 

He nodded and sit up. I sit on his lap. He hisses and I laugh. I look down at his neck then at his lips. I stole a quick from him. He leaned in, his lips molded with mine. I kissed him back running my tongue across his bottom lip. His mouth opened letting my tongue in. We fought for dominance but he ended up winning. I moaned as he moved the kiss to my neck. I rolled my neck giving me more access. I leaned in kissed and suck on his neck. His tongue ran over my sweet spot and I moaned vibrating his neck. He chuckled and did it again. God, he's torturing me. I gasped as his fangs went through my skin. He licked away the blood and I did the same to him. I licked away his blood getting the irony taste in my mouth. I kissed the mark I made on him. Every bit mark is different. Mate bit marks are never the same. Kinda like fingerprints. I felt my body heat go down. 

I rested my head on his shoulder. I woke up still in Luke's arm. I heard him whimper as I moved. he wrapped his arms around me tighter. Awe, my little kitten doesn't want me to move. Too bad. I ripped myself from his touch. His eyes shot open. Blue flaring eyes never left him. I smiled at him. 

"In defense...I need to use the bathroom." I walked to the bathroom door. 

Keeping my eyes on him I walked into the bathroom. I closed the door and peed real quick. As I was washing my hands I saw the mark and a few hickeys. His mark is bigger than mine. I touched it and sent chills down my body. The door opened revealing a sleepy Alpha. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the bed where we cuddled. Luke drifted off to sleep. His soft snores filled my ear. He pulled me closer place his right hand over my breast giving it a good squeeze. I moaned at his actions. Even in his sleep he tortures me. I yawned as sleep pulled me into the darkness. 

I woke up laying on Luke's chest. My arm draped over his chest, my leg rested on his legs as my other arm was under his arm and his arm was resting on my back. I shifted making him shift with me. 

"Afternoon, mate." He smiled. 

"Mhm." I buried my face into his scent. 

What is he doing to me? I never needed someone's touch, scent, attention so badly in my whole life. 

"Hungry?" He asked me. 

"Very." I mumbled. 


Next Chapter will be Luke's POV. This shall be interesting. 

Please Share, Comment & Vote!! If you see a mistake of mine please comment telling me it! 


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