To My Young Ladies on the DreamTeam

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When I say young ladies, I mean young as in less life experience. The ones who are saying 'Ew she's having sex with an old man' or 'she gave him cookies on the first night' or 'why would you let her do that with him' or 'head is so nasty'

Please relax loves 😂 Older guys believe it or not is where it's at (I'm not saying go get you a twenty something and you're thirteen) when you're old enough to date by your parents rules you'll get out and see what you like. You may think being with older guys is nasty, or that getting a little cunnilingus (if you don't like the word, think it's weird or something you should not be reading my work) from a guy is nasty but when you get older you may like it, or not.

Next, women have sex on first dates! It happens ladies. I'm not saying you go give it up on first dates but to some women (not Imani) giving it up on a first date isn't all bad because their objective was to get laid! Sometimes women don't want to get married right away, they wanna wait and just have fun. That's a choice that every woman has to make personally.

Baby Girls understand that it's nothing wrong with exploring sexuality and people. There are risks you take when you decide to do so, but nonetheless it is apart of growing up. Learn the risks and be careful!

If you ever have questions, I'll gladly answer them. Any topics in the book you wanna discuss no problem anything you think I should add to the book? I got you. Comment or send me an inbox. I'll get back to ya!

Now, the update is being written but won't be uploaded until the comment goal is reached.

Love ya DreamTeam

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