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Okay so just let me rant..

I get hate because I'm fifteen and like Ninjago.

Okay?? I don't care if I'm fifteen and like a show!!

Legos are centered towards younger children sure but Ninjago is also a fucking tv show!!

Anyway my story starts at school!!

Someone had found my Wattpad and approached me about it they were nice at first saying my work is awesome and blah blah then said, "but I don't know why the fuck you actually like children tv shows, hon you're 15!! Kay?!". Now I'm like, "are you fucking serious?! On behalf of me and all the fans of this 'toddler' tv show, we say fuck you!! It's. Just. A. Fucking. Tv. Show. Okay?? It is not centered towards toddlers!! It actually discusses heavily discussed topics!! It's not
just princesses and rainbows!! It's real shit!! I can say you like toddler shows by watching fucking Full House or any of that shit!!". I was extremely pissed at this point. She went on saying how I always act like a baby and all this shit. I just walked away at that point because she's not worth arguing with. And before someone comments, yes we get all the shows that you get in the US ( if you're from there) sometimes people think we don't get
American tv shows in New Zealand!! We do!! We have different sweets and that's all really!! ( That's produced in a factory or whatever). Anyway yeah..

Sorry for ranting!!

Also thanks for 13k reads!!

Tell me ideas for what to do for 13k reads!!

I seriously am so grateful for all the support you have given me throughout this year on Wattpad!!

Oh yeah and we're celebrating one year on Wattpad!!

Anyway, I really want to do something special for all these celebrations!!


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