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lately i've been tryna figure out the whole situation going on & what i should do. i want to keep writing for you guys & i want to update my books regularly, but if this keeps happening i don't think i'll be able to.

i'm going to take a short maybe one week break and whilst i'm gone my best friend kalvin-j who you should really go & follow, will be updating some of my books!

she is an amazing writer & she just got a wattpad today! please, please go & follow her! she is such a talented writer and deserves to have her works seen! right now she is publishing one of my favorite books she's ever written it's called Push and it's about a messy relationship where the boy is going through some issues with his friends and trying to restart his life. he meets this perfect girl and is so afraid to love her because he doesn't want to corrupt her, but it ends up happening & it's just so, so super good! it's such an emotional piece & she's really put all of her heart into it!

again, please give this local glasgow girly kalvin-j a follow because he's so amazing!

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