this is serious & i'm disgusted.

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     dear anyone who reads my books or clicks on my profile,

                  lately we've seen an increase with teenage boys & not being able to control their testosterone levels on wattpad. i love getting dm's & comments from you guys saying how much you love my books & i truly do look at every single comment i get & even reply to some. i love writing these books for you guys & i never thought that anyone would ever read them! it was always my dream to get so many reads & followers!
                   this all has been ruined by these stupid teenage boys. i've gotten more dm's asking for nude pictures than just people telling me they like my books or wanting to be friends. dm's are meant to make friends, wattpad is meant to read books not ask for nude pictures. you guys also have to understand that in my country sending nudes is illegal. i am going to university to study law so getting these messages puts me in such an awkward place especially when they go to do a background check when i apply for the police force wherever i'm living at that point. you guys have to understand that i'm also almost a legal adult & most of the people asking for these pictures are 14 or younger. i will say no & block you if you ask for these pictures. i have also been getting very inappropriate & disgusting messages. my boyfriend, Thomas, is telling me to just get off of the app because of how disturbed i am by the amount of people that could careless about all the work i put into my books & would rather just get a slutty photo of me instead. I WILL NEVER SEND YOU ONE, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.

thank you to those who actually care.

- Zero

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