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it's been way too long! i hope you all are doing lovely! i cannot wait to share with you guys some exciting news, but before i do that i want to share what will be happening with this account! i am going to be continuing writing and sharing my stores with you all!!! i am so excited to share what i have saved! the break i took was way too long and i deeply apologize for that! thank you for the continued love on my books and the support you all have been giving me even though i've been gone for what feels like forever!

i will start with the good things because that's always more fun to hear about!!!

my longtime boyfriend, thomas, and i are engaged! it was such a beautiful engagement he planned and i am just so joyful to call him my soon-to-be-husband! i know i'm young to be engaged and some of you might be against that, but just know i am very happy and know that this is the right decision i am making. i have started everything at a young age, college, moving out, and etc. so getting engaged this young just felt right! please try to keep your negative opinions to yourself about my age and being married soon because i am extremely happy with this.

another amazing thing is that i have received my bachelors degree in criminal justice! I am working on my masters now!

now, for some not-so-amazing things.

i have struggled tremendously with my mental health this past year. i was so confused on why i was having these extreme highs and lows throughout my days and just didn't know how to care for these ways i was feeling. i lost interest and passion in things that once brought me joy and just dropped a lot of activities, like writing. i became more quiet and kept to myself more as i was embarrassed about the way i was feeling. my mood was constantly riding a roller coaster, being energetic and happy at times and then feeling just the lowest of lows at others. i flew back to new zealand for a month from scotland to spend time with my family and get away from school-life because everything was making me so irritated at home that thomas suggested me to visit my family to take stress off of me. i talked a bit to my brothers about the ways i was feeling and he suggested to visit a therapist. i immediately rejected the idea as i was always in and out of therapy when i was younger and absolutely hated it. upon arriving back to scotland my mood hadn't changed a bit and i arrived one night to our flat, sat down next to thomas on the couch and just broke down into tears. i splat out hysterical nonsense to him and we both decided that it'd really be best for me to visit a therapist like my brother had said. the next day i booked an appointment and shortly after was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

i share all this with you because when i heard i was bipolar, i felt so alone and humiliated and i really shouldn't have because a hundred million other people are dealing with what i deal with but i never knew that because no one ever talked about being bipolar. if you are feeling down in any kind of way or feel alone or embarrassed by a label you have been given, you can come to me and talk to me about it. i will try my best to help you through whatever you are going through.

enough with the sad stuff.

i'm back and it feels really good!

xxx - zero :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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