Operation: Go For It! [Hetalia]

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Drabble series for diyonmyte714!! /cheers This is definitely a story that I am going to have to look up a lot of stuff and learn different things! ^o^

Operation: Go For it! ----> Start

You dropped your luggage at your feet and took in a deep breath. This was the start of your adventure. You were going to visit all the places you have never seen before; well, you've met the countries, but that doesn't count. You always kept to yourself in the safe confinements of your homeland not feeling the need to go anywhere else. After a lot of pressuring and getting talked into this by your vast number of friends, you finally took the leap. What a great way to learn stuff about famous lands and actually figure out why your friends act in strange ways. The first stop you chose to go to was New York City, America. He was the loudest and most open about you visiting him first. So, to get it done and over with, you ended up going to the freedom country.

Picking back up your suitcases, you walked inside the airport and was met by said nation. "[Name]! [Name]! I am so pumped about this! Once we get there, your gonna have to totally try a burger. Then we're going to have to visit Lady Liberty, too..." America rambled on and not once take a break.

He was flying with you into New York from your country because... you never really rode a plane before. Smiling to you yourself at his energetic nature, you thought about his people. Were all of them loud and obnoxious? You shook your head at the thought and scolded yourself. No needing to get wild and prejudice ideas already.

This is a new experience and you were going to have fun with it!


"But at some point, the characters take on a life of their own and become who they are, and you, the writer, are just along for the ride" - Libba Bray

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