Operation: Go For It! .o5

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Do I sense a tsundere in this chapter? xD Wrote this in, like... 10 minutes o.o


You screamed and covered your eyes as the crowd around you erupted in cheer. The carefree laugh came from the man fighting the bull down below. Antonio was dressed in the traditional bullfighting clothes and only armed with the red flag. You agreed to see this even with much enthusiasm, but freaked out when you heard that it was Antonio who was going to do it.

You continued to frown at the Spanish mans game until it was finally over. You couldn't even explain how terrified you were every time the bull charged at him wanting to yell down to stop it. You were so going to punch him when you say him. Though when you stomped up to him, he pulled you into a hug before you could say anything. Antonio released you with a big smile on his face - sweat and dirt covered the rest of him.

"What did you think?" he asked. You punch him in the stomach and glared at him. His breath flew out of him from the unexpected punch, but let out a laugh despite it. "Chica, I told you I would be fine."

You harrumphed and crossed your arms, but softened your expression knowing what he did was for fun and that he was going to be okay. "Whatever. Let's just go so you can get cleaned up and go somewhere else," you said.

Antonio followed your demand like suggestion and hummed a happy tune along the way. He was seriously too cheerful for his own good. By the time he was fully cleaned and re-clothed, the sun was directly overhead. He also brought  a tomato that he was munching on as you both walked through an open plaza of the Spanish town. Creates filled with more of the red fruit were spread around in various places.

"You like tomatoes way too much," you stated.

"Sí, but they are good~," Antonio smiled. "And I love tomatoes so much, guess how I celebrate them~."

"You celebrate tomatoes?"

You were cut off when a flash of red came at you and splattered all over your white shirt. You scoffed in disbelief at the atrocity and looked up to yell at the person who threw it. But that was left unsaid as you saw around, people throwing more at each other supplied by the creates like a festival.

You were definitely going to get him for this.


It is actually true. A town called Buñol in Valencia, Spain have a festival every August throwing tomatoes at each other *v*

Fun ain't it?

And I did not proof read :/

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