Operation: Go For It! .1o

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You gleefully petted the dogs at your feet. Sometimes like the way evil villains do in movies or to coo in their faces.

They definitely loved that.

Considering the non-outward affectionate German sitting off to the side awkwardly, wondering if he should start a conversation or not. He was surprised you chose his place to visit but he thought you would do more... tourist stuff. Then you said that you didn't have anything planned out at all. So he felt the pressure of taking her somewhere.

The closet place from where you guys where was Romantic Road to take a leisurely stroll to have a picnic.

He isn't much of a romantic also.

"Can we go hike in the mountains?" You spoke up. Ludwig was pulled out of his thought process and took an inhale of breath before answering.

"Yeah, we can, but Switzerland doesn't like for people to hike naked anymore."

"Who said anything about getting naked?!"


Was that too awkward?

To bad! >:D Ha Ha! /knee slap

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