Operation: Go For It! .o2

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o.o I was trying so hard on the internet to find location facts and all when I actually had the right info in an atlas book in my room =_= But found out a lot bout Spain in it I can't wait to write :D


"We should go try some New York pizza. No, we have to go see a baseball game! No, no, go to one of the museums!" America listed off things he wanted you to try. Both of you just got from putting your stuff at his place so you cuold tour around the city. Though it seemed as if America wanted to bring you to every building that was there.

"Al, why don't we try some pizza for now. It is lunch," you clutched your stomach in hunger.

"Sure!" he cried enthusiastically and grabbed your hand to pull you to the nearest vendor. Alfred payed for two slices and handed one to you. The pieces were huge! Taking a bite, you felt the crust deliciously crunch and the cheese melt in your mouth and made a string of cheese when you pulled away. Alfred laughed at your 'lack of experience' of eating this pizza and you wanted to stick your tongue out at him.

"Did you know that shopping malls are an America invention?" he stated off a random fact and finished the rest of his pizza.

"Really?" Your mind dozed off thinking about all those American movies you saw with the prepy girls in the malls. Then another idea came in mind. "Hmm, can we go to Central Park next? Isn't it really nice there?"

The blue-eyed blond put another bounce in his step and became excited all over again. "Yes, we should totally go there, man! It is amazing there!"

So, the two of you set off in the direction of the park and you took that time to observe more things around you. The rushing of the cars and the sound of the trains strangely had a calming effect. The bustling of the people to and from work made you smile seeing the way they all looked. But if you weren't careful, you would be caught in the sea of them and lose sight of Alfred. When you guys got to the park, you saw how green and open everything was. Everybody seemed to be doing something different. More vendors were set up and performers did their own special things.

"Hey [Name], do you like crepes or gelato better?"

"But we just ate!"

"Aw, but there is just so many food's to try here." he whined.

"Why don't you stop thinking about food for once and show me around more?"

America paused and stared at you and you stood there feeling awkward under his gaze. Then he showed one of his goofy smile and let out a laugh.

"You're so cute," he engulfed you in a hug.

There were sure some strange things in America.

Operation: Go For It! [Hetalia]Where stories live. Discover now