Operation: Go For It! .o8

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You blushed at the thought of Big Ben. You were happy to go to London, but your mind kept thinking the wrong way. Vital regions an all. Luckily England wasn't able to read minds.

In the right side drivers seat, England drove in whatever direction he deemed worthy. The ride was mostly silent until he spoke up.

"Um, would you like to go to a restaurant not far from here? I would feel improper if a gentleman like myself didn't take a lady out to eat," he said with hidden shyness.

 "Y'know what? I heard from America that you like punk rock!  Can you take me to a concert?" A part of your smile lifted higher than the other.

"W-what?" he blushed with embarrassment. When did America ever tell you that?! I mean, it's not that big of a deal but with you knowing it made it seem like a world changing secret got out.

You sensed his tension and giggles inwardly. So, instead you spoke another idea you had in mind.

"Then I challenge you to a pocky eating contest!"


Don't ask about the picture to the side. I thought it was funny and I wanted other people to see it :/

Oh? Is that pocky you have? Thank you /steals it from your hand and runs away

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