Operation: Go For It! .o3

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I'm a horrible procrastinator... Please forgive meh! Dx


There was one thing you dreaded about going to Italy. The driving. From what you first saw is the beautiful landscapes and cities, but they really have no regulation for driving.

"Ciao, bella! I'm so happy you're here!" you were greeted by the happy Italian. He gave you a large hug while his brother stood behind with his arms crossed and sour expression. You glanced at him and pulled out of the hug from Feliciano.

"You don't want a hug, Lovino?" you asked with a smile and arms open.

"I don't need one. Hugs are for sissy's," he replied, blushing. You shrugged and started walking hand-in-hand with Feliciano in some direction.

"Are there going to be any mafia around?" you asked excited.

"Says the girl afraid of the driving here," Lovino rolled his eyes.

"Want me to called France?" you threatened. He glowered at you until you called out to something of interest.

"Whats that on the trees over there?" you pointed to some large yellow fruit.

"Silly bella, those are lemons!" Feli giggled. Your eyes widened as you looked back at them. They looked like they could be used in place of American footballs! "Do you want to try one? They are really sweet~."

"No, I think I'm fine... Anyways I would like to wait for some pizza or pasta later," you smiled.

"Why not gelato? A place that sells it is just around this corner," Romano jabbed his thumb in the direction of it. Mulling over the suggestion, you decided it would be fine to get a quick scoop. Feliciano cheered when you said you were up for it and started dragging you there.

When you got inside, your eyes widened at all the flavor opportunities; well... I guess you can say that for any popular parlor. You placed your hand at your chin and studied the menu.

"I... don't know which one I am going to get," you finally said.

"Ve~ We can all get different kinds and share~," Feliciano rested his head on your shoulder.

"Okay, I'm up for it! What about you, Lovino?"

The Southern Italian shrugged and you took it as a I-don't-care-but-I-am-actually-jealous-that-my-brother-is-getting-more-attention response. You walked up to the counter stating the flavors you wanted. A few moments later, your little trio walked out happily with your cones until you heard a cry in Italian.

"Dio Mio! Che cosa è questa mostruosità?!" a man said getting out from his store on the other side of the street.

"Err... what did that guy say? It seemed like he was directing it at us."

Feliciano also showed that he was confused but translated. "He said 'what is this monstrosity?' But I don't get what he means, ve~."

Then the man skillfully stomped across the street with the cars stopping right before hitting him and speeding of once again when he moved far away enough. He walked right up to you and grabbed your jacket looking at the simple design of it then glancing at the rest of your outfit. "Così non va affatto." he muttered.

"Uh, me no speak Italiano?" you weakly said showing that you don't know Italian and clearly surprised by his act. He raised an eyebrow finally looking at your eyes.

"Ah, you only speak English?" he accent strong. You nodded and took a step back hiding a bit behind Romano.

"What do you want with, [Name]?" Lovino asked with irritation.

He jumped back at Lovino's tone but quickly recovered. "I was just looking at the young lady's clothes and was wondering how she thought she could walk around like that!"

You frowned and opened you mouth to say something until he started pushing you to his shop causing you to drop your gelato. You flinched when all the cars barely hit you and the other two followed silently behind. You weren't able to ask the question why he was bringing you there as he opened the door and brought you inside. Some realization came over you when you saw all the fashionable clothes and accessories that decorated the shelves and racks. Still bringing you along, he directed you to a changing room and you stumbled into it. The man said he would be right back as he went to get something and you heard Feliciano's giggles and Lovino's grumbles.

"What the hell is this guys?!" you yelled at them.

"Calm down," Romano called back, "he is a semi-famous fashion designer or else I would have gotten you away already. His name is Marcelo Levario." [1]

"Please just call me Marcelo, bella~!" he said as he tossed some clothes over to you. You sighed and picked up the clothes. You guessed it couldn't hurt to try - just glad that this didn't happen in America.


[1] That is just some random Italian name that I came up with. But if there really is a fashion dude with that name, it would be very creepy...

And I felt like I should stop it there or else it would have been too long xD also I'm not sure if the Italian is right, so if any of you speak it please tell me!

Operation: Go For It! [Hetalia]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz