Chapter 6 - "Stay With Me?"

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As soon as Andy saw her, he ran up to her and hugged her. He saw Shaun looking distraught. Andy looked at him funny before turning back to Belle.

“Have a good car ride?” he asked her.

“You bet!” she said, forcing herself to smile.

“We have to go on in 5 minutes” Bradie said to them as came back from the stage.

“Excited?” Belle asked them

“Of course” Andy said with a smile. Shaun shrugged at her and Bradie gave her a thumbs up sign.

“Right, let’s get ready to go” Shaun said to them. He grabbed his guitar and walked out on the stage, with Bradie trailing behind him. Andy stayed back and gave Belle a hug before kissing her softly on the lips.

“Good luck” she said to him, before motioning for him to go on stage. He smiled at her before grabbing his bass and walking on stage. Belle looked out on the stage to see how many people were there. There were about 100 people in the crowd, not too bad considering they had only started their band a few years ago. As soon as Shaun opened on the first note of ‘Shimmy A Go Go’ the crowd went wild. Belle smiled to herself, thinking how happy the guys will be when they get home tonight.


After they played their final note, the guys came off stage. They all looked quite tired and sweaty. Bradie didn’t have a shirt on. Andy came over and gave Belle a hug.

“You guys were great” she beamed at them.

“It was so fun!” Bradie said, before grabbing a RedBull out of the mini fridge in the corner of the room. He went and sat down on the couch, joined by Shaun.

“I’ll be right back” Andy said to them before disappearing out of the room. Belle went and sat down in the middle of Shaun and Bradie.

 “You have to tell him” Shaun said to Belle quietly, staring straight at the TV..\

Andy walked over and sat down next to Belle, who cuddled into him.

Belle hesitated. “Oh, nothing, just, you know, tired.”

Shaun looked at her. Belle just shrugged.

“Tell him,” Shaun said.

“Shaun!” Belle exclaimed.

“You’re going to have to tell him sooner or later, so just tell him now!” Shaun said.

“Tell me what?” Andy asked suspiciously.

Belle looked at him. “I can’t.” She said, turning to Shaun.

“What is it?” Andy asked Shaun.

“Belle is moving to Brisbane…” Andy stood there for a few minutes, staring at Shaun. Belle touched his arm.

“When?” Andy asked when he finally spoke.

“Next week,” Belle said, looking down. Andy was quiet for a long time.

“Stay with me,” Andy said, looking at Belle.

“I can’t…” Belle said, shaking her head.

“Why not?” Shaun asked.

“I can’t just leave my mum by herself, she’ll have no one if I stay,” Belle replied.

“What about me?” Andy asked. Belle didn’t know what to say.

“I love you..” she simply said.

“Then stay with me?” Andy asked.

“I can’t,” Belle repeated.

“Fine, whatever,” Andy said, walking away. Belle watched him go, then turned to Shaun, bursting into tears. They sat there for a few minutes while Belle tried to calm down but as soon as she stopped crying, she’d burst into another crying fit a few seconds later.

“We better get going” Shaun said eventually

“Okay” Belle said

They drove home silently. Andy was no-where to be seen. After she got dropped home she slowly got in to bed, and cried herself to sleep.

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