Chapter 24 - Cambodia

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Belle woke up and wandered down to the kitchen. Shaun was asleep on the lounge, so she decided she would ask Bradie and Andy out for breakfast.

Heading to the café for brunch, want to come with me? X

She sent a message to both Bradie and Andy. She ran back up the stairs to her room and headed for the bathroom. She had a long relaxing shower before getting changed into her skinnies and a tank top. She checked her phone to see that both Bradie and Andy were meeting her at 11. She walked back to the lounge room, Shaun was still asleep so she left him a note. She walked out the door and closed it silently behind her. She met Andy and Bradie around 10 minutes later. They smiled when she walked over to them. Bradie gave her a hug and sat down. Andy came up to her and kissed her on the cheek before sitting down at the table.

“Where’s Shaun?” Bradie asked Belle as they ordered their food.

“He’s sleeping at my house at the moment” she replied, taking a drink of her water. She looked over at Andy, who had slightly tensed when she said Shaun was at her house. “

“What were you thinking Andy?” she said to him,who looked down and started to play with his bracelet.

“Andy, you should know there is nothing going on between us, he’s just been there for me the last couple of days” she told him. Andy looked embarrassed and mumbled something about meeting someone before getting up and leaving. Belle sighed and put her head in her hands. She felt Bradie pat her on the back.

“don’t worry, he’ll come round, he’s just disappointed that you don’t feel the same way as him anymore” he said

“Bradie, I do love him, more than I should, I just can’t deal with all the girls flinging themselves over him, thinking that maybe he’d rather get with one of them than me”

Bradie was about to say something before his phone started ringing loudly.

“Do you mind if I take this?” he asked her. Belle nodded, and Bradie walked outside with his phone, leaving her alone to dwell in her thoughts.


I sat there at the table, Belle looked a complete mess, fighting with Andy had taken its toll on her. My phone rang loudly, I looked down to see it was my manager Trevor calling.

“do you mind if I take this?” I asked Belle, who had zoned out slightly. Belle nodded at me, so I walked outside to answer it.

“hello?” I said into the phone.

“hey Bradie, its Trevor here, we are thinking of filming the new single in Cambodia next week, what do you think?” he asked me. I was slightly shocked, we normally only ever filmed in Sydney.

“yeah, sounds like a good idea, what day next week?”

“Monday” he replied “it’s only a 4 day shoot, so you won’t be gone for long” he added, sensing that I didn’t like being away for too long.

“I’ll have to talk it over with Shaun and Andy” I said, forming a picture of what would happen when we finally talked about going; Shaun and Andy would have a fight, and I would be left to pick a side, like I always do.

“they had already agreed with it, I'm just waiting on your answer” he said

“its fine with me, see you Monday morning” I said back before hanging up. I looked back at Belle, who was fiddling with her phone. I walked back over to her and sat down.

“so who was that?” she said with a grin. I knew she assumed it was my girlfriend, even though I didn’t have one.

“the bands manager, Trevor. We are going to Cambodia to shoot our next single on Monday” I said to her. I saw the flash of disappointment appear on her face, before she plastered a fake smile.

“Really? Thats great” she said to me. I knew there was something troubling her, but I didn’t want to pry.

“I have to go” she said to me before getting up. I hugged her goodbye, and watched her walk out the door. I sat there silently, drinking my tea before I got up and left. I had to get Shaun and Andy to talk to each other, or else it is going to be a really long trip. I looked down at my phone to see I had 1 new message; from Shaun.

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