Chapter 26 - Without You I'm Nothing At All

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Andy POV.

I started to panic. Belle was lying unconscious on the footpath in a puddle of blood. I pulled out my iPhone and dialled ‘000’. After a frantic conversation with one of the workers, the ambulance was on its way. I looked over at her. She was breathing, which was a start. I heard the faint sirens of the ambulance and waited for them to arrive.

*2 Hours Later*

I put my head in my hands. Tonight has been so stressful, and it isn’t even over. I rubbed my eyes, and looked at my phone. It was 1am in the morning and I had 3 missed calls from Shaun and 2 from Bradie. I did need to call them, but it could wait until I heard more about what is going on with Belle.

“Mr Clemmensen?” someone said. I looked up to see a doctor staring at me with a chart in his hand.

“Yes?” I said.

“Ms Summers is still in a very critical condition. She has lost a lot of blood from the stab wound so we put her in an induced coma until her body can deal with all this stress” he replied.

“Would I be able to see her?” I asked him.

“Okay, but only for a few minutes, you need to go home and get some rest, you look exhausted” he replied. I walked slowly into Belles room. She looked so pale and fragile lying on the bed. She was connected to machines and tubes that were supplying her with blood and food. I went and sat down on the chair that was next to her bed. I grabbed her hand and held it. Tears started streaming down my face. If it wasn’t for me, she would be perfectly safe. I wiped my eyes with my free hand and pulled out my phone. I had better let Shaun and Bradie know. I typed in Shaun’s number and pressed the call button.

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