Chapter 16 - The Past

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Belle met Shaun in the park the next morning. True to his word, he didn’t bring Andy, but he brought Bradie.

“I had to lie to Andy about where I was going,” Shaun said as they arrived, “And pretend I had no idea why you ran away yesterday.”

“I’m sorry,” Belle said, looking at the ground.

“It’s alright,” Shaun said. “But I do think you should come see him.”

“Why?” Belle asked.

“You were a great friend to all of us, so supportive and caring, and Andy, well he really loved you,” Shaun said.

“I don’t know,” Belle said. “It’s so far back in the past now.”

“Remember when you said to me, that you believed we’d make it one day, and when we did, you’d be there.”

“Yes,” Belle replied.

“We’re playing at the Sydney Opera House next month. A promise is a promise,” Shaun said. He pulled something out of his pocket. He grinned holding up an AAA pass.

“Will you come?” He asked.

“You bet,” She said with a smile.

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