Chapter 19 - "Time To Celebrate!"

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“So did you get a chance to chat with Andy?” Shaun asked.

“Not really, his, Uhmm, girlfriend came in so I left,” Belle replied.

Shaun laughed. “Oh, you mean Brittney?”

“I guess so… “Belle replied, not sure what her name was.

“She wishes she was Andy’s girlfriend,” Shaun giggled.

“Huh?” Belle asked, confused.

“Andy dated her for a bit when she was in Sydney, but they broke up ages ago,” Shaun explained.

“Oh,” was all Belle could say.


“Time to celebrate!” Shaun exclaimed. He was on a high ever since ‘Stack Is The New Black’ went platinum.

“I know a club about 10 minutes out of town” Belle said, sliding into the car.

They arrived at the club 20 minutes later. Shaun and Bradie went over to the bar to get them some drinks. Andy said down next to Belle in one of the booths. They didn’t say anything, just sat there, enjoying each other’s presence. Shaun came back with a few alcoholic drinks. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Belle resting her head on Andy’s shoulder.  They talked to Belle about how they became better known. Belle listened intently, sipping on her beer. The guys had already drunk theirs, and Belle’s was still half full.

“I’ll go get the next round!” Andy said, his voice already slightly slurred from the alcohol. He walked over to the bar.

“So are you two back together now?” Shaun asked.

“I want to be” Belle replied “but it’s been over 3 years, he probably has moved on” she said with a sigh. Shaun looked disappointed.

“Andy might need some help with the drinks, I’ll be right back” Belle said before walking towards the bar. Andy wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Belle looked back at the table, only to see Shaun staring at her. What? She mouthed at him. He looked away before she could ask him again. She went back to sit down.

“I can’t find Andy. Maybe he went outside to get some fresh air?” she asked Shaun, who was avoiding eye contact with her.

“Shaun? What is it?” Belle said to him. Shaun didn’t reply, just pointed to a corner of the club. She couldn’t see much, except 2 people. Belle squinted, and saw Andy with Brittany. He had his back to her. He turned around and saw Belle staring, he opened his mouth to say something, but Belle turned around and ran out the door.

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