Chapter 13 - Guess Who's Coming To Bundaberg!

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“Belle!” Katie waved, running over to her. “Look, what I got signed!” She beamed, holding up a poster signed by Bradie.

“That’s great,” Belle said, trying to sound happy but struggling to hold back tears.

“Are you ok?” Katie asked frowning.

“Fine,” Belle replied. “Just bummed I didn’t get anything signed, you know…”

“Oh,” Katie replied. “That sucks.”

“Yeah,” Belle agreed. “Can we go now?”


Belle thought about Andy a lot after that night. A few weeks later she caught herself googling Short Stack. She stopped after about 10 minutes. She couldn’t dwell over something they’d had over 3 years ago. She shook her head, closing down the computer as she heard Katie pull up in the drive way.

“Belle, you’ll never believe whose coming to Bundaberg!” Katie exclaimed as she walked through the door.

“Brad Pitt?” Belle joked.

“Nope,” Katie smiled. “Short Stack!”

“Oh,” Belle said almost laughing out loud.

“I thought you liked them?” Kiara asked, disappointed.

“Yeah,” Belle said. “Their concerts are a bit much though,” she lied. Katie looked really disappointed.

“So you won’t be going?” Kiara asked.

“Nope,” Bell replied.

“Oh, it’s just that, well, I kind of already bought 2 tickets for us, because I thought you’d want to go with me,” Katie explained.

“Fine, then” Belle replied.

The closer it got to the show the more Belle tried to busy herself with work, trying not to let herself worry about seeing Andy again. She kept telling herself that she wasn’t allowed to talk to any of them, although it was a small show and it would have been quite easy to get their attention. She wasn’t going to make an idiot of herself again.

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