Chapter 1

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“It’s great!” I run up to the modern house in front of me. Well, modern bungalow. It’s deep in the woods, quite a few miles off Kiel, northern Germany. My dad had to move here on business, but the change was good. A new start, away from London. A completely different country. Mum comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “We’re so happy you like it, Lindsay,” she smiles, showing off her gleaming white teeth. “Come and look inside”. She excitedly opens the front door, revealing a large white hallway. “Woah,” I whisper, totally struck by how big the place is. I walk up the corridor, my boots making clonking on the polished wooden floor. I come across a white door, and I open it, revealing a huge living room, fully furnished. I just stand there, taking it all in. This is where I will live! “Glad you like it,” my dad chuckles, standing next to mum.

“Uh, yeah!” I say excitedly, and fling myself onto the white leather sofa. “We never had this in England!” The leather is cool on my skin. Back home, we had just a regular sofa. You know the ones which sag whenever you sit on them, and you can never get comfortable on? This one feels like a throne compared to that one. “Come and see your room!” my mum says, pointing up the corridor. I spring excitedly from the sofa, and follow her up the white hallway.

My bedroom is huge. It’s got laminate floor, a massive bed with silky covers, an en-suite – and even a patio door! “Oh my God,” I whisper, stroking the silky sheets.

“Oh mein Gott,” my dad corrects me. “You’re going to have to learn some German, Lindsay,” he says, ruffling my hair. This sinks my spirits a bit. I am really bad at languages. At my school in England I was bottom of the class in French, and French seems so easy compared to German. “We’ll leave you to get settled,” grins my mum, and she and dad walk out of the room chatting. I decide to unpack my things, filling the glossy drawers with my clothes. I also pull out my log book. I’m going to write some interesting things in it I come across. You know – the discovery of secret dens, finding out what brands of chocolate they have here. Maybe I could take it when I visit my friends in England again. I’m sure they’ll like to know what I’m up to! I take the log book over to the glass desk and take a pen out of the desk tidy (this place comes with everything!) and begin writing.

Log Book – Day 1

I haven’t discovered anything yet.

Sigh. This is going to be harder than I thought.

I sit here for an hour or so, thinking of something to write. Anything, really, which proves interesting. Maybe I’ll have to wait until my tutor arrives. Oh yeah, that’s another downside of being here. I am too far to go to school so I have to have a tutor. Which I find really awkward. It’s like being the only pupil in the class. Imagine how awkward that would be. And also imagine your teacher coming round to your house! Okay, verging on creepy now. Luckily mum calls me to dinner. Maybe I can write about that.

“Can I go explore now?” I ask mum as I finish the last of the pasta. I really want to see if anyone else lives here. It seems pretty remote, but surely someone must live around here too. “Okay, just be careful,” mum says, washing up the dishes. “Bring a flashlight with you, too. It’ll get dark soon”.

“Okay,” I say, getting up from the table. I can’t wait to see what’s out there. 

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