Log Book entry 9

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“Lindsay…” I wake up to find my mum shaking my shoulder urgently. Immediately, I can tell by the look on her face that something is wrong. “Hmm?” I ask, totally worn out from last night. I glance nervously at the TV, thankful that it’s finally turned off. “Your father…” she whispers, then breaks down into tears. I sit up, panicked. “What…what’s happened to him?” I ask, not sure I want to know the answer. Mum wipes her eyes, smudging all her mascara, for once not caring. “They found the car…it was crashed into a tree.” No. No. No. It can’t be true. No, I won’t accept it.

“And dad…?” I gulp, developing the same shake I had last night. Mum swallows, going extremely pale. “He was lucky the-they got him out,” she says, tucking a piece of elegant hair behind her ear. “He’s in intensive care”. This calms me down a lot. He’s alive. Thank God.

“Well, can I go see him?” I ask, getting up off the sofa and stretching. Mum shakes her head.

“No, they don’t let children in,” she says. “But, I will go and visit him later.” Distraught, I just go straight back to bed. I don’t even feel like calling Dieter and telling him what happened. All I want is sleep. And to leave this place, before I officially lose my mind. And for my dad to get better.

I get back up at 1pm. Deciding I can’t be stuffed up in the house any longer, I throw myself out the bed, pull on whatever clothes were at the top of the pile at the end of my bed, and arrange my hair in a quick ponytail, not bothering to brush out the bumps. I probably look like an idiot but I don’t care at all. I sit at the edge of my bed, texting Dieter. “Meet me by the river. I really have to talk to you”. As soon as I sent the text, I jumped from the bed, and left through the patio doors.

Walking down to the river wasn’t as enjoyable today. I was still terrified of what happened last night, not to mention the fact that my dad’s been in a car accident. When I get to the river, Dieter isn’t there. I sit solemnly on the floor, throwing stones into the river. I decide to turn it into a game. Each stone is a worry of mine. The river was no longer made out of water; it was a substance that makes things go away. Each time I throw a worry in there, the worry would be gone forever. It kind of does help me feel better, but I still don’t feel as happy as I did the other day. Eventually, Dieter comes plodding along. He too looks pale and tired, and he also looks a bit thinner than he was when I first came across him. He sits down next to me, this time without a fishing rod. I go to open my mouth to speak, but he beats me to it. “I have to tell you something,” he says. And suddenly, an almost replica of my night comes tumbling from his mouth. He had seen the exact same thing as me; the static, the symbols, the words. “We both seen everything,” I piece together out loud. Dieter murmurs agreement. “But what does it mean?” Dieter shrugs. I notice he looks preoccupied. This catches my attention. “Dieter,” I say seriously, looking at him right in the eye. “What’s wrong?” His eyes fall to the floor, and he fidgets with his hands. He sighs, swallows, and opens his mouth. “I really didn’t want to tell you this,” he says, sounding really nervous.

“Tell me,” I say sternly, too tired to be nice.

“Last night, I seen your dad’s car. He was driving past the field where I live. I thought nothing of it, but then, I seen him. He was in the middle of the road. Your dad, he swerved off the road, into the woods. I’m so sorry, I would’ve told you sooner, but-“

“He did this,” I spit out, a mixture of hatred and fear. I can’t believe that thing did this. He's evil. “He almost killed my dad, why did he almost kill my dad?” I turn to face Dieter, my eyes wide in horror, demanding an answer. I know he can’t give me one, he probably doesn’t know himself. The poor thing looks terrified. He swallows nervously. “I am not sure,” he says, sounding panicked. “Maybe it’s a warning?” This grabs my attention. I never really thought of it as a warning. “A warning for what?” I shoot back straight away. Dieter shrugs, looking more and more uncomfortable by the minute. “Maybe he’s planning something really bad?” Way to go calming my nerves!

“Like what?” I press on further, determined to find out more.

“I don’t know!” he snaps back. “I know about as much as you do on this!” This really isn’t going to end well. The last thing I want is to argue with my only friend here. “Fine, I might as well just google it!” I reply, standing up and storming off.

“Well, let me know what you find out!” I really can’t tell if he’s using sarcasm or not, so I just ignore him. Great. Well done Lindsay. You’ve managed to fall out with the only friend you made here. Terrific work. I stomp back to the house, furious with the world. Why does it have to be like this? Why does he have to exist? Why can’t I just live in this place without having to face supernatural crap like any other kid of my age? But I remember what Dieter said. He might be plotting something horrible. Maybe the car accident was like the lull before the storm. I shiver just thinking about what he can do to me. He’s making me hallucinate, and I’m sure he can do a great deal worse.  

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