Log book entry 11

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I sit down as my mother explains. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking he’s dead. At least then that wouldn’t be my fault. But apparently he seen Him too. He’s been muttering about him to all the nurses. They’ve checked his brain over in case of brain damage, but they can’t find anything physically wrong. Two people in one night. Two people who I loved, in one night, are at risk because of him. Because of me. Why didn’t I speak up about it earlier? Insist that he really was real? No, I tried, I did. But he did not believe me. I slump off to my room, not even bothering to take off my clothes. I switch on the light, and notice something on my bed. I walk over to it cautiously, like it’s a time bomb or something. It’s a page. I pick it up, flip it over. 8 PAGES. That’s all it says. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I try and think but I can’t at the moment. I scrunch it up and throw it on the floor, jumping into bed.

As soon as I wake up, I look for Dieter again. Well. I throw on some clean clothes, brush my teeth, and leave my hair as it is, but you know what I mean. Mum’s gone off to some hotel as it’s closer to the hospital. Just until dad gets back. Which leaves me all alone. Literally. What adult leaves their teenager in the middle of the forest on their own? I begged her not to go, literally, telling her I’ll do the chores, I’ll eat vegetables, anything. But it never changed her mind in. Sill not giving up on Dieter, I walk out of the house, locking the door so nobody can get in. The rain hasn’t stopped, and it’s just as harsh as it was yesterday. Usually I love the rain, because it’s so refreshing, but now it only makes me think of bad things, like sadness. Which is all I feel at the moment. I squelch through the forest, wondering where on earth he could be. Is he doing this on purpose? Is he doing this to torment me? Although I haven’t known him long, I don’t think he’s the kind of person who’d do this. Yeah, he’d do it for an hour or two, but not for this long. My tears fall along with the rain, knowing I’ll have to give up. I’ve been searching for ages, with nothing to eat. It’s turning dark now, so I decide to turn back, praying that Dieter is safe somewhere. I reach home, not turning on any lights, open my bedroom door and throw myself into bed. I notice a harsh breeze though, and I notice my face feels cold. I open my eyes. And that’s when I notice the patio door smashed open.

I charge up from my bed, and flick on the light. Someone’s broken in, and I know who that someone is. Looking for the nearest weapon, I grab the lamp on my side table, pulling it from its socket. I move closer to the glass, and notice the paper on the floor, which I screwed up the other day. I pick it up, and read it. 8 PAGES. FIND THEM, AND YOUR LIVES ARE SPARED. Your lives? What did he mean by…? Dieter. He’s kidnapped Dieter. Still in my clothes, I go to step out of the patio, but I hear something behind me. Very roughly breathing. I turn around slowly, lamp in front of me. And he’s standing there, looking much smaller than his usual height. But it’s still him, and I still scream and throw the lamp at him. I don’t bother to see if it hit him, I just charge out of the house, cutting my feet on the glass on the floor. “Shit!” I scream out loud, trying to dash across the clearing but also keep my feet together. I can feel the warm, sticky liquid drip out of my feet, but I still run. Why didn’t I wear shoes to bed last night?

Realising I don’t have a torch, I charge back. This is a stupid risk, but I can’t see anything without it. When I charge back, I notice he’s gone. Quickly, I pick it up off the floor, and slip my boots on to protect my feet. I dash back through the clearing, this time with a wobbly beam of light guiding me. Think. Where could these pages be? How long do I have? I charge through the trees, slipping once or twice on the soggy grass. How can they save us? I make it to the stream. It’s double its depth now, the rainwater feeding it. I wonder about crossing, but decide to check this side of it first. I walk along the bank, though it’s extremely narrow up this side of it. I my eyes dart around wildly, but I can’t see any pages. Frustrated, I pick up my pace, only to slip into the freezing river.

Gravity pulls me under. I close my mouth as the water closes over me, cutting me off from the world. I force myself upwards, coughing out water. I swim over to the other side of the bank, but it isn’t easy. The rapids are terrible, forcing me under every few seconds. My hand manages to grab the top of the bank, and I pull myself up with all my force. I sit shivering, realising I’ve never been so cold in my life. It’s a good job I put my torch in its protective pouch, otherwise, it’d be ruined. I wrap my thin hoodie around me tighter, desperate to keep warm. My eyes swivel over to the tree in front of me. It had a deep hole in it. It looks so promising, I walk over to it nervously. It’s quite deep, deep enough to hide a page…I plunge my hand in, and immediately pull it out again. A huge spider dangles on the end of my fingers, fangs at the ready. He’s messing with my mind again. “You’re not real,” I say to the spider. “I said, you’re not real”, I whisper again, hoping against hope it’s just a hallucination, and I shake it off my hand. It falls to the floor and disappears. I force my hand back in, moving it around, searching for the paper. Luckily, my hand grabs a thin, dripping piece of paper. I take it out, and examine it with the torch. “Don’t look, or it finds you,” I read aloud, and suddenly I remember the words on the television. They were clues. They were there to help me. The next one I need to find must be deeper in the forest. It seems the most logical thing to do. I walk deeper, shivering in both the rain, and the fact I plummeted into the river. “You better appreciate this, Dieter,” I mutter under my breath. I dart my torch around, unsatisfied that I haven’t found any more notes. The trees are getting creepier as I move further. They’re now tall, thin, and remind me of someone I don’t want to be reminded of.

As I am looking up at the trees, I don’t notice the large rock in front of me. I go tumbling over it, cutting my leg, spraying blood down it. “Shit,” I cry, getting up. I manage to lift the heavy rock up. Stuck on the bottom is another page. I rip it off, shake it from my blood, and read it. Leave me alone. “Hell yeah,” I whisper to myself, folding it and shoving it in my pocket. It’s all making sense now. I need to find them in the order I seen them on the screen. I turn around to see if there’s anything else near the rock. And Slendy is standing a few meters away, staring at me. I react quickly, picking up the rock and hurling it at him. I expect it to hit him, but tentacles spring from his back, just like in my nightmares. One catches the rock – and hurls it back at me. I scream, and try and run away, but my leg disagrees to work with me. I limp as quick as I can, squirting blood at every step. I force myself to run, because he’s still behind me. My limp turns into a jog, which takes all my energy. I run deeper into the forest, and grab another note I found pinned to a tree. “No eyes, always watching,” I pant, folding it and adding it to my ever-growing collection. The rain is still pouring, numbing me all over. I soon have to stop, because my leg is killing me, and I can feel all the blood in my shoes. I sit down, panting, crying, cursing. Just as I am about to fall asleep from fatigue, I hear a blood curdling scream. Immediately, it sends me to my feet. Dieter. I know it didn’t come from far away, and I think it’s in the direction I’m going. I dash further on, blood now filling my boots. Hang on a minute. Is that a cave?

There's Something in the Woods - A Slenderman Fanfic (COMPLETE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt