Log book entry 13

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All the wind is knocked from my body as I land on the sodden floor. I’m not unconscious, but the forest whirls around me. Then, I feel something under my head move. Dieter moves his hand from under my head, and under my body. He actually tried to save me. And it worked. He’s broken my fall. I look down at his right hand, and notice the way his fingers have bent backwards. He clutches it to his chest, shutting his eyes. “You saved me,” I whisper, still not quite realising what just happened. If he didn’t hold my head, I would’ve bashed it off the floor, and I wouldn’t be alive. “You just saved my damned life,” I say again. He opens his eyes, looking into mine. “To be fair, you did save me…” he begins, but I throw my arms around him.

“You’re such a good soul,” I murmur, and he hugs me back. It’s been a long while since I’ve had a friend, and it’s a good thing to have. Something moving catches my eye, and I soon see a tall, thin figure by one of the trees. “Shit,” I cry, and pull Dieter up. We start to dash the opposite way Slendy was standing, but my feet are aching like crazy, and Dieter dropped his inhaler somewhere. He wheezes frantically, and I have to stop for a minute while he catches his breath. As he does so, I manage to find another page. “We have one left!” I cry, shoving it in my pocket. “One left, Dieter! We’re gonna be okay!” He’s still too out of breath to say anything, but he gives me a shaky thumbs up. We’re both more determined than ever now, and we dash through the trees, looking for the last page. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the rain isn’t as frantic now. Yes, we’re still soaked, but its harsh downfall has turned into just a shower.

As we trek on, I swear I can hear someone whispering. Yes, there it is. I can’t make out what it’s saying. I shush Dieter and get him to listen too. We stop for a minute, trying to find out the source of the whispering, and, more importantly, what it’s saying. It’s only then that I notice there are more than one voices speaking. Dieter points to a clump of trees, and I nod. Slowly, silently, we tiptoe over to where the noise is coming from. We peek between the trees, and I’m extremely shocked at what we see. Twenty or so children stand in a clearing. They are all holding hands, muttering something in German. I looked at Dieter but he shakes his head. He can’t hear them enough to translate. Suddenly, his face goes from pale to chalk white. “That’s Josef,” he whispers, pointing a finger at one of the boys. “He walked all the way from Kiel…he wasn’t seen again”. Before I can stop him, he rushes over to the child, yelling his name. “Sssh!” I hiss, terrified he’s given us away. “Dieter, come back!” I can see them talking, and then Dieter turns even paler. I wonder what these children are doing here anyway? Dieter dashes back over, looking like he’s holding back tears. I start to give him a whispered lecture about how he shouldn’t have started shouting, but he cuts into my sentence. “The children are dead,” he simply says. This defies all kinds of logic.

“No, they’re not,” I oppose, nodding towards the creepy little tots. “Look! Do you think they escaped?”

“They’re dead,” he says, this time sounding more stern. “I think they’re the spirits of the children. They couldn’t escape”. So that’s why they’re acting weird. They’re all dead.

“But, who killed them?” I gasp, feeling my heart beat faster.

“Do I need to answer that?” He asks. I shake my head. My knees go wobbly, and they give in. I collapse in a heap on the floor. I could call it an ocean, because the forest is starting to flood. By morning, we’ll have died from pneumonia. Or drowning. Or Slendy. Or all three. It’s all getting too much. It doesn’t seem real anymore. It feels like a nightmare, which I’ll never leave. Dieter crouches besides me and tries to help me up. His tone is much softer when he speaks to me. “Do you know who wrote the notes?” he asks, waiting for a reply. When I don’t answer, he does for me. “The children. They were all killed by him. They wrote those notes to help us”. I pull my heavy body into a sitting position, so my eyes are level with his. He carries on. “They want us to survive. But also, they want to be free. They can’t leave the forest, until we find the last note”. He offers me his hand, and I take it. He pulls me up, and for the first time, I notice how his eyes are brighter now. They were always green, but now, they’re almost glowing with anticipation. “Let’s do this thing,” he grins.  

There's Something in the Woods - A Slenderman Fanfic (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن