Chapter 1

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**Cassandra's POV**

"Cass would you hurry up! Far out you're slow!" My older brother James complain. "Calm your ball James I'm having a moment here!" "Well hurry up cause surely your room has had enough of you!"

I ignored him. I looked around my empty turquoise room and memories flash back causing me to shed a tear. I will miss this place. It's where I spent my whole entire 14 years, but I guess it's time to say goodbye. I lie on the carpet and hug the floor, then hug the walls, yeah I'm weird like that. I picked up my suitcase and drive off to the airport.

We went through the security and boarded the plane. This is goodbye England. I took out my purple beats and listened to music the whole way and dozed off.


"Hun wake up we're landing." I was shaken. I jolted up and remembered that we're on the plane. I put on my seatbelt and got ready. Wow I can't believe I'm out of England and in America. We have finally landed and got our bags, then we drove off to our new house.

"Are we there yet, are we there yet?" I whined like a little kid. "Shut up Cass!" James hushed. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. After a couple minutes, we have parked. I looked out the window and saw a huge house. I stepped out of the car and started unloading the car. I looked next door and saw 2 girls playing on their front yard. One was taller with short straight hair and the other one was shorter with curly hair and she wears glasses. "Yow, this is sick!" James yelled. James' loudness caught the girls' attention. They looked up and stared at us for a good minute then smiled and waved. I smiled and waved back then continued unloading.

I went in the furnished house, it's beautiful. James and I raced upstairs to pick our rooms out. I went in the first door from the right and it had a purple wall. It had a walk in closet and my own bathroom. I got my suitcase and started unpacking.


After what felt like a gazillion year I'm finally finished. I plopped down on my bed and stared up the ceiling. I was startled by mum calling out for dinner. I went downstairs and sat down. "So, sweetie I'm going shopping tomorrow for the house, you coming?" She asked. "Sure, what time?" "About 1 in the afternoon." She answered.

I finished eating so I went upstairs and did my night routine. I took a warm shower and put my hair in a bun. I brushed my teeth then plopped on my bed. I took out my phone and checked my Instagram. I posted a night selfie and captioned it 'first night in America, night night everyone💞' I put my phone down and went to sleep.

A/N: guys sorry for the boring chapter, it will get better I promise✋🏻😊

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