Chapter 5

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**The next morning**

'Beep beep beep' I shut off my alarm clock and stretch. Yesterday went back to my mind. I had so much fun with Caleb and his family. I just can't get over how nice Caleb is. He's that type of person who you can talk to for hours and not get bored. The way he smiles and shows his dimple always gets me. Then there's Mrs Katie and Annie. They were so nice and sweet and Annie was so pretty and talented. Mrs Katie was so nice and I could tell her and mum gets along very well. I can't wait to meet the littlest one, Hayley.

Annnyways, I have to get ready for school. I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a calming shower and picked out an outfit(photo above). I'm so glad that we don't have to wear school uniform at the school I'm going to. I put my hair in a bun and put on a little foundation and concealer, lipgloss and mascara just for good first impression, but just so you know I don't wear makeup usually because I'm just too lazy so expect that maybe halfway through semester I would like like a panda eyes. I put on my shoes, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

"G'morning hun." Mum greeted me. I just nodded in response. I poured cereal in my bowl and started eating. "Are you nervous?" Mum asked. "Yes" I replied. "Don't be, you're going to be fine." Mum comforted me. I finished eating and we drove off.

Man I'm nervous. What if people don't like me? What will they think of me? Am I gonna have friends? Probably not because I'm a very awkward person. I was expecting Caleb to be there but I remembered that he mentioned that he's homeschooled, so I hope I find someone just as nice as him.

We're nearly there because I see school buses. I rub my sweaty hands on my knees as mum parks. "Mum can you just homeschool me?" I whine. "Nope sorry hun, I want you to have friends and live a normal life." "Excuse me? I am living a normal life, and besides I've already made friends like Caleb and Annie" I said. "Yeah, I know that but Katie said that they're a pretty busy family so they travel a lot." They do? Well, Caleb didn't mention that. Not that he needs to.

"I'll pick you up later, have fun!" She said. "mum, school and fun don't go together!" I said. "Okay, okay." She chuckled. I got out of the car and took a deep breath. You can do this Cass!

I walk in the crowded hallway. People everywhere, I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack. Stay cool Cass, calm down you can do this! I found the office and met the secretary.

"Hi I'm Cassandra Menzies, I'm the new transferee." I smiled. "Welcome Ms Menzies would you like to sit down while we sort your schedule out?" She smiled and I sat down, watching her(creepy I know).

"Here is your schedule and your locker number, the school is pretty big and I asked someone to show you around and help you." She said. Oh good, I feel so relieved. This school looks so complicated it looks like a maze. I stayed sitting down waiting for the person showing me around for another minute until the door opened, revealing....

New Life || Caleb Loganحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن