Chapter 2

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**the next morning**

"Wake up!" James yelled. Ugh! It's too early. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. I felt so different, I felt so new. I stretched and got out of bed. I did what I have to do and picked out an outfit.(photo above). I put on some mascara and lipgloss and headed downstairs, and grabbed breakfast.

"Good morning hun how was your sleep?" Mum asked. "Good." I simply replied and poured cereal on a bowl. "Cass I need to remind that I invited neighbours from next door for tea(dinner) tonight." "Ok." I nodded and continued eating.

After I was done I just sat in the living room watching tv and texting my friend.

From Alexiepoo💖
Heyyy how's America, imy😞

To Alexiepoo💖
Going great so far, imy2 bby💜

From Alexiepoo💖
Imy3, btw when do you start school?

To Alexiepoo💖

From Alexiepoo💖
Awh I wish I'm there, I've got no one to gossip with now, I'm a loner😂😭

To Alexiepoo💖
Awh haha😘😂

I was interrupted by mum saying it's time to go.

To Alexiepoo💖
I gtg bby, imy love u😘

I turned my phone off and we drove off to Target. "So what do we need to buy mum?" I asked. "Well I  need new kitchen utensils, new decorations for the house and we need to get groceries." She explained.

We reached Target and went in. I left mum in the boring aisle and went to the dollar aisle. I was playing with the toys when I bumped into someone causing me to fall on my butt. "I'm so sorry." A brunette boy turned around to help me up. I looked up and he was pretty cute. "Im so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He exclaimed. "No it's totally fine. I wasn't looking where I was going too." I was examining his face(I know, creepy but oh whale).

"I'm Caleb by the way." He put his hand out. "Cassandra." I shook his hands. We were staring at each other for about a minute when mum called me. "I gotta go, sorry again." I smiled and walked away.

**Caleb's POV**

Mom, Hayley and I went to Target to buy something that I don't really know. Hayley and I were bored so I decided to hide from Hayley. I walked quietly backwards in the dollar section when I bumped into someone. I turned around and she was on the ground. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologised. She looked up and she was beautiful. "No it's totally fine, I wasn't looking where I was going too." She replied. She had an accent, I'm guessing she's from England.

"I'm Caleb by the way." I took my hand out. "Cassandra." We shook hands. We were staring at each other when someone called her name out. "I gotta go, sorry again." She smiled and left.

Wow I have never seen any girl as beautiful as she is.

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