Chapter 3

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Aphmau POV

Mitch and Jerome are giving me weird looks before turning that look into a glare.

"Who are you and how do you own my name?" Mitch says, taking out his diamond sword. I take out my budder sword just in case.

"It's me Mitch. It's Jess. I'm back." I tell him, showing him the budder sword. I engraved my name on it. At that time, I was know. As Jessica Aphmau since I had no last name. He lowers his sword.

"Jess? How?" Jerome asks, taking a step backwards.

"The day we killed the squid King and his forces, I was teleported onto an island with other people with hardly any resources but what weapons we had at that time. I searched for so long to find you but every time I wanted to leave and search myself, something bad would always happen and I would have to go and fix it with my friends." I start to tear up. What I said was true. The free time u had, I would always go into my computer room and try to find Sky but I never did. When I got a lead, Loki would always attack. Then the problem occurred that u had to go into hiding for three years. I could never get the free time to look but I always kept an eye out.

"How was you able to come back now?" Mitch asks before coming over to hug me. Jerome joins in the hug.

"The squids are back." Is all I say. I could feel them freeze.

"But we killed them all before you disappeared. Sky has traveled oceans and has nod been attacked once. Ross swam through the whole ocean just to check for squids and there weren't any. Please tell me your lying." I just shake my head

"I was attacked by two squids. They are guarding an enemy that could destroy the world and the squids are getting stronger. We need the Sky army back." I walk over to Katelyn. "We need to find the team."

"Sky and the gang have been missing since you disappeared. They went to search for you and haven't been seen since. They haven't been seen for 6 years." At this information, my eyes widen.

"That's why I haven't been able to track them. Do you think the squids took them?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe. They could have been ambushed and captured with their guard down. They use to always message us weekly but they just... stopped." Jerome informs us. This is when I get an idea.

"Katelyn can I borrow your gloves for a minute?" I ask, taking out an enchantment kit that I got from the Phoenix God. Mitch and Jerome look at me like I just grew two heads.

"Where did you just get that from?" They ask. I hold out my hand and lightning strikes it, summoning Mjolnir.

"I'm a goddess. The goddess of thunder to be exact. I have my ways." They look at me with wide eyes.

"Y-you're Lady Thor!?" Jerome exclaims. I just smirk at him.

"That I am dear Baka. Now Katelyn give me your gloves." She takes her gloves off and hands them to me. I put one on before fiddling around with the mechanics. I punch the air to make sure it's still working. It is and flames come as I punch the air. "Do you have anything that belonged to any of them?" I ask.

"I have one of Barney's eyepatches." I give Jerome a weird look. "What? I forgot to give it back. I will go get it now." He walks off and comes back a few minutes later with it. It still has a bit of his aura. That's good. I use Katelyn glove to grab the aura before trapping it in Mjolnir. I give the glove back to Katelyn.

"Let's see if this works." Suddenly, I am struck with lightning. I faintly hear the guys scream my name but I ignore it. When I open my eyes, I am in a cell with water on the outside if the bars. I look back to see Barney staring at me with wide eyes. I jump on him and hug him. He hugs me back.

"Barney what are you doing? Why are you hugging yourself? Jin I think he has finally lost it." I turn around to see Sky in the same cell as us. Jin, Ross and Max are in the cell opposite us.

"Don't you see her?" Barney asks. They shake their heads. "I thinks I ams going insanes." He says in his weird accent.

"You aren't Barney. It's really me! I don't know how long I can stay here for but all I can say is that I am coming to save you! Do you know who kidnapped you?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"These green things came and ambushed us while we were searching for you about 5 years ago. We have been stuck here since." He tells me.

"Gawkins. Do you know where this place is?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

"All u remember is going into a mountain. One deacons, lets me ask Jin." He turns to Jin. "Do you know where we are Jin?" He asks the smart one of the group.

"Not exactly. All I know is that we were taken into a mountain before being thrown into a lake in a throne room. That was when I drowned and became unconscious." He says.

"I know where you are!" I exclaim.

"You do? Where are we?" Barney asks.

"I will explain when I find you. I am coming to save you now." I look at my hands to see them fading in and out of sight. This is when I get an idea. I give him a budder earring. "Wear this and we can talk. Hold some bodies wrist and they can hear but cannot talk back. Please stay safe." I put it in his ear before disappearing, the last thing I hear is "Jess".

Barney POV

"Jess!" I reach out to the spot where she once stood but she was already gone. I take a deep breath before feeling my ear for the dangling budder earring. It's here. I try to talk to her but I get no response.

"Barney are you okay? Jess isn't here." Sky says, coming closer to me. I let go of my earring and he notices it. "Where did you get that earring?" He asks me.

"Jess gave it to me. Only u could see her. She is coming to save us." Suddenly, one of them things that Jess called a Gawkin comes up to the cell door. He drops off the same meal of bland mash and gravy before leaving.

"What even is that thing?" Max asks Jin. Jin just shakes his head.

"I don't know. I have never see it before." He says.

"It's a Gawkin." I say and they all look at me like u have finally lost me.

"How do you know?" Jin asks cautiously.

"Jess told me. Like I said, she was talking to me. She gave me this earring." I point to the earring in my left ear.

"And you said Hess was here but only you could see her?" Sky asks. I nod. "You said she was coming to save us. That means she is back." I nod again. We all smile.

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