Chapter 20

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Aphmau POV

"Jess!" All three of them shout. I wave.

"Hello! How have you guys been?" I ask them, sitting down on my flower garland that I turned into a chair.

"Where have you been? You disappeared years ago! All of the sky army were so worried and then the rest of the leaders disappeared searching for you." Preston explains, coming over and hugging me. I hug the lava mob back.

"It's a long story but for now, I have a few friends outside. Can you lower the bridge?" I ask him. He nods before running upstairs.

"So Jess, how did you get in anyway? I locked the door." Nick asks. Okay, so I may have lied that the door wasn't locked.

"I pick locked the door." I awkwardly smile at them.

"You should teach me how to do that!" Corey says. I agree. Soon, we are upstairs and Preston puts the keys in the bridge and lowers it down. The group walks over the bridge.

"Max! Ross!" Preston shouts. They wave.

"What's up Preston?" Max asks. They are really good friends since they are both basically fire.

"Where have you guys been these last few years?" Corey asks.

"It's a long story. Which reminds me..." Max drifts off before glaring at me. "What were you thinking! You can't just jump over a whole moat full of lava! You could have fell in." He starts shouting at me.

"Wait, so that's how you got here? But you can't jump over the moat. It's a bad jumping distance." Nick says, worried yet intrigued.

"I'm sorry Max. I won't do it again." I tell him. He just sighs.

"Your still hurt." He says. I sneeze.

"I know. You don't need to worry about me though. I am a superhero after all."

"Yeah. With a suit that doesn't work." He gives me a stern look. I just awkwardly laugh. I just noticed something.

"Where's Katelyn and Castor?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"They went to scout the area in case anymore werewolves came." Ross informs, joining on the conversation.

"Okay. They should be back in a few minutes then." I inform. The suits don't work but Castor still has his gem. It shouldn't take long.

"Well we should go back inside. I want to know what's been happening these past few years." Corey says. The three of us walk inside of the house and sit down, me sitting on my own chair. "Seriously, where is the chair coming from?" I just stick my tongue out at him.

"Anyway! So why are you guys here? I thought the sky army disbanded after the squids were defeated." Nick asks, sipping some of his coffee.

"Well it's a long story. All you need to know is that we are reforming the sky army and we came to ask if you wanted to come and help." I say.

"But why do we need the sky army?" Preston asks.

"The squids are back and even stronger. We need to end this war once and for all. Are you in?" I ask.

"Well I'm in. Haven't had an adventure in a while." Corey says.

"I'm in as well." Nick says.

"If it's to save the world, I'm in! And I think Red would want to help as well." Finally, Preston says. I cheer.

"Where's Red? I didn't find anything about his whereabouts." I ask.

"I'm here." I hear from behind me. I turn around to see my red headed friend that's wearing his red dinosaur onesie.

"Oh my God! It's YouTube sensation RedVactor! Can I get a picture?" I fake squeal. Everybody laughs.

"Long time no see Jess. And no, you can't get a picture. My fame is too much for you to handle." He says, sitting down. Next, Katelyn and Castor walk through the door, Castor in his suit.

"There are no werewolves nearby. They shouldn't bother us." Castor says. I turn away from him to see Corey, Nick, Preston and Red with their mouths wide open.

"Is that Hawk Eye?" Red asks. I nod.

"You have some explaining to do Jess." Nick says. So I explained everything to them. Everything from the day I disappeared to today. They look at me with wide eyes.

"That's a lot. You need a break." Preston says. I just shake my head.

"As one of the leaders of the sky army and a superhero, it is my duty to help and protect this world." I smile at them.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go back to Mitch's house!" Red stands up. Everybody else does as well. "So how far are we?" He asks.

"A few days." They all give me horrified looks. "But I have a shortcut. Everyone go and pack. Come meet me when you are ready." I say. They all run upstairs. Red, Nick and Corey come down two minutes later. "That was quick."

"We only came to visit. We already had our stuff packed." Nick informs. I nod before putting their suitcases in my storage. "Wait, where did our stuff go?"

"Relax. It's in my storage. It would be easier to transport then." I explain. He calms down and nods. Soon, Preston comes downstairs.

"Let's go then!" He says, going to walk out of the door. I grab him by the back of the collar before he could walk past me.

"We aren't walking. Everybody grab onto somebody!" I shout. Katelyn has Corey, Nick has Castor and Preston has Max. I grab onto Ross since there is no reason for me to use my powers if I can just hold onto Ross. He needs the practice. "Okay let's teleport!" We all teleport into Mitch, falling onto him.

"Ouch! Get off of me!" He shoves us all off before taking a deep breath. Jerome is laughing in the background before Katelyn teleports to him. It's our turn to burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" He shouts. We just keep laughing.

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